Dr. Ann

I always include 1 cup (that’s 2 servings) of fruit at breakfast. Most often, frozen berries or frozen berries with banana, kiwi, pear, or apple. I always include 1 ½ cups of veggies at lunch (that’s about 2 – 2 ½ servings). I most often have a combination of leftover dinner veggies and a fresh […]

I am a big believer in simple visuals for staying on track with healthy eating and was thrilled when the USDA adopted the “My Plate” icon to replace the confusing and essentially useless “food pyramid.” When I sit down to order a meal, I always aspire to create the “perfect plate” – with one-half of […]

Past studies have repeatedly identified snacking as a risk factor for weight gain. As such, it was disheartening to learn that Americans are snacking at an all-time high. Based on this evaluation, snacking accounts for a whopping 25% of our daily calories or an average of 580 calories a day! Even more alarming, half of […]

In a head-to-head clinical trial that really grabbed my attention, a plant-based diet trounced its competitor for both superior weight loss and enhanced metabolic function. For this study scientists placed 74 diabetic subjects on one of two calorie-restricted diets for a period of six months.  One diet was plant-based consisting of fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, […]

The food industry has mastered labeling their products in such a way that we are tempted to eat just about anything. Many so-called “health foods” are nothing more than nutritionally defunct, empty calories masquerading as the good guys you want them to be. What follows are the most notorious “health food imposters.” Flavored yogurt products: Although […]

Tomatoes are the most widely consumed non-starchy “veggie” (really a fruit) in America and this is a wonderful thing!  Tomatoes offer a treasure chest of nutrients for boosting your health, but their crown jewel is a super potent antioxidant called lycopene.  Scientists speculate that tomatoes’ rich supply of lycopene is the key factor in the […]

I was blessed to discover the joys of healthy living at a young age and have been hooked ever since. I also know that there is no way I could speak to people with the heart, passion, energy and authenticity it takes to compel them to improve their health behaviors unless I practice what I […]

One of my biggest pet peeves is the ever-exploding selection of designer waters now available on the grocery shelves. Despite their labels that include ultra healthy words like “vitamin”, “fitness”, or “skinny”, there is no evidence that fortifying water with vitamins, minerals, herbs, or antioxidants has any health benefits. To the contrary, given the growing […]

As even small amounts of excess body fat (especially if deposited in the belly) can boost your risk of a laundry list of deadly diseases – awareness of simple strategies to power up your metabolism can be very healthful.  Simply stated – your metabolism is how many calories you burn for the production of energy […]

An alarming, new study from Harvard researchers suggests that a commonly used food additive, propionate, may drive the development of obesity and weight gain. For their initial investigation, the researchers first administered propionate to a group of lab mice. Shortly after receiving the propionate, the mice experienced a surge in their stress hormone levels, which […]

Loss of muscle mass, known as sarcopenia, is a common and potentially deadly accompaniment to aging and good nutrition proves to be a powerful ally to help counter this debilitating state. Maintaining muscle mass is fundamental to ensuring a healthy metabolism and plays a defining role in maintaining functionality in old age. In fact, muscular […]

With the exception of occasional, modest use in diabetics, I do not use nor do I recommend artificial sweeteners.  Even though they will not elevate blood glucose or fructose levels like “real” sweeteners, they may indeed have other untoward effects in the body.   Although science supports their safety and lack of toxicity  (exception saccharin and […]