Dr. Ann

Mounting evidence has shown that prolonged sitting is a massive driver of chronic disease risk. In a study that included over 63,000 adult males – those who sat for more than four hours a day were much more likely to have diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or high blood pressure than those who sat less than four hours […]

The diminutive, yet all-powerful blueberry is a true work horse in terms of fortifying wellness and a new report gives us yet another reason to include them regularly in our diets – maintaining an abundance of healthy bacteria in our colons. There has been a recent explosion of research highlighting that the types and amounts […]

An eye-popping report just shed some powerful and compelling light on how quickly physical inactivity can harm the body, and I want you and everyone you love to know about it. Researchers had a group of healthy moderately active young adults reduce their daily physical activity by 50% and carefully monitored their blood sugar (glucose) […]

Like their bean cousins, lentils are cheap, versatile, filling, and power-packed full of fiber, B-vitamins, protein, minerals, and antioxidant polyphenols.  They provide more folate than any other food and have an edge over other legumes because they cook quickly, require no pre-soaking, and tend to cause less gas. Try one of my favorite lentil recipes: Simple Lentil […]

If you want to have healthy cholesterol levels I would recommend that you include some green tea with your repertoire of cholesterol-lowering foods. Sipping on green tea is one of my most cherished daily rituals so I was particularly inspired by a report that provided strong evidence that this is indeed a heart-healthy habit. For […]

Although it contains “sugar,” molasses also provides an impressive array of “healthy” goodies that give it a huge nutritional edge over other sweeteners. This bold and robust natural sweetener is chock full of health-boosting antioxidants and minerals. A single tablespoon provides over 35% of the daily value for manganese and copper and about 20% of […]

Awesome avocados just received yet another health victory. Past studies have shown that avocados can lower “bad,” LDL cholesterol so scientists were curious if it could reduce the most ominous form of LDL of all —“oxidized” small, dense LDL’s. To perform this study, the scientists had 45 overweight study subjects consume a series of three […]

Getting lots of dietary potassium has been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Here are the foods that provide the most potassium: Blackstrap Molasses Cantaloupe Avocado Beet greens Peaches Prunes Tomato juice Yogurt Snapper Lima beans Salmon Soybeans Swiss chard Apricots Oranges Pumpkin seeds Sweet Potato Banana […]

Some foods are better for you than others and are true nutritional powerhouses! Here are five foods that are exceptional for you and that you should strive to include in your daily diet. Dark Leafy Greens Nuts Berries Whole Citrus Beans Dr. Ann’s Cure-All Kale Salad Serves 8-10 When I feel like I am coming […]

Exercise most days — If you don’t accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity most days of the week you are virtually guaranteed to accumulate belly fat. And the more the better! Eat an abundance of non-starchy veggies and fruits. Enjoy beans daily. Avoid the “Great White Hazards” — white flour products, white rice, white […]

They provide “complete” (all the essential amino acids) protein that is gentler on your bones, your digestive system, and the environment. They provide all the essential fatty acids including a big hit of those precious omega 3 fats. They provide a comprehensive package of minerals including lots of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. They are […]

Based on a growing and impressive volume of science, drinking coffee may come with a number of powerful health benefits including: liver cancer protection, diabetes protection and a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. Thanks to this report, another healthy coffee perk may be protection from prostate cancer. In a study that included 48,000 men whose […]