Dr. Ann

As a mother of 4, I know that getting kids to eat their veggies can be a challenge. Here are some tips that have proved effective in my household. Go stealth. Shred veggies (or buy them already shredded) carrots, zucchini, cabbage, broccoli, etc. and add to meatloaf, spaghetti sauce, lasagna, and baked goods like muffins Add canned pumpkin or […]

If you want to add years to your life and life to your years, be sure to be physically active in your 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. We already have a mountain of irrefutable science that high fitness levels reduce the risk of premature death, but scientists had never examined how fitness in mid-life may impact […]

Apples are a standout food for health protection and we can thank their peels for most of their disease-busting prowess. Apple peels are rich in insoluble fiber that aids in appetite control and feeds the good bacteria in our colons. But what really sets the peel apart from its fleshy component is its stunning array […]

Past studies have strongly linked fast food to weight gain, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, and based on this evaluation it seems we may also need to add depression to this list. In a long-term study that involved over 8,500 study subjects, those who consumed the most fast food (hamburgers, hot dogs, and pizza) were […]

Red bell peppers are an incredible superstar food. Did you know they contain more vitamin C than oranges? Incorporate these delicious, nutrient-packed veggies in your diet regularly with my delicious No-Lettuce Salad Recipe Bon appetit! Dr. Ann’s No-Lettuce Salad Recipe Serves 4-6 Who said that salads sans lettuce are not yummy. This crunchy and refreshing salad was a […]

A “family’s influence” on a child’s nutrition is profound. In a report that included combined data from 17 earlier studies, researchers concluded that children and teens that ate 3 or more meals a week as a family were significantly less likely to be overweight and 20 to 25 percent less likely to eat junk foods and […]

A systematic review of 11 controlled studies that included 833 study subjects concluded that exercising outdoors offers significant benefits for the body and the mind. Relative to indoor exercise, being physically active in a natural environment was associated with numerous advantages including a greater lift in mood, stronger feelings of revitalization, better clarity of thought, […]

I am always amazed by the number of people who consider avocados “unhealthy” or “fattening” when the delicious reality is that they are true wonder foods. Avocados are filled with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that lower bad (LDL) cholesterol while boosting good (HDL) cholesterol along with fiber, vitamin E, B vitamins and special cholesterol-lowering plant substances called […]

Have you ever noticed that your hunger increases as the day goes on and peaks at night? If so, know that science has backed up this “gut feeling,” and the body’s internal clock (the circadian system) appears to be highly involved. The researchers noted that although this pattern of appetite and subsequent food consumption may have served […]

Whole grains, especially physically intact varieties like brown rice, oatmeal, and barley, continue to display powerful disease-fighting power.  Eating whole grains regularly has been associated with less heart disease, a healthier body weight, less cancer risk, and diabetes protection.  In striking contrast, eating refined grains regularly appears to boost heart disease, incite weight gain, up […]

Many people express concern about “needing the potassium” as they may be on meds that require this. Because restricting bananas is part of my standard recommendation for those who want to lose weight, and for those with diabetes, I want everyone to know there are many other foods that provide more potassium per standard serving including white […]

If you are looking for a simple way to nurture your happiness and mental well-being – eat your produce. In an uplifting report that followed the dietary habits of 80,000 British adults, researchers uncovered a “surprising” relationship between fruit and vegetable intake and enhanced mental well-being. In this analysis, happiness rose in tandem with the number of […]