Dr. Ann

Sweet, juicy, and so delicious – peaches are a reservoir of healthy goodness. A cup of this fruit has only 60 calories and provides a super sweet blast of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and potent antioxidant carotenoids. We already know that peaches are great for heart health, but they may prove to be most beneficial for […]

Over the past few months there has been a plethora of new data on the beverage front. Here are some highlights: For every additional cup of coffee consumed daily, the risk of diabetes decreased by 7%. Those drinking 3 or 4 cups a day were 25% less likely to get diabetes vs. those drinking zero […]

Eggplant is a nutritional powerhouse and my pick for superstar food of the month.  Since some are a little unsure about how to prepare this veggie, I wanted to share with you one of my favorite recipes for Eggplant Fritters. Try these tonight! They are family-friendly and 100% healthy. In case you missed it, my Eggplant […]

We all know that vigorous physical activity is great for our health, but what if we have arthritis or some other joint condition?  Thankfully, there are a host of joint-friendly ways to get your heart rate up to reap all the benefits of aerobic exercise while sparing your joints both stress and pain. Take a […]

In an analysis that included the most comprehensive and authoritative to date, nuts proved their efficacy in improving blood lipid levels.  After pooling the data from 25 separate clinical tests, scientists determined that including up to a third of a cup of nuts dailylowers LDL (bad) cholesterol by 7.4 percent, lowers triglycerides by 10.2 percent, […]

The darlings of the healthy fat world, namely omega 3’s, may prove to be helpful for preventing colon cancer.  In a study including about 1,900 adults, as the intakes of omega 3 fats increased, rates of colon cancer decreased.  Among white study participants, those consuming the most omega 3 fats had half the risk of […]

Getting overly hungry is the downfall of dieters everywhere. You know how it works: you think you’re behaving yourself by not eating, but you go too long between meals, and as a result, you grow so hungry that you feel as though your stomach has become a bottomless pit. While you know you should chop […]

Health and nutrition studies are showing that plant foods, especially fruits and veggies, are better for us than we ever imagined. For over a half century we have known that they are bursting with health promoting fiber, vitamins, and minerals, but in the last thirty years we have discovered that they are also loaded with an […]

In a study of over 39,000 US females followed over 12 years, those who engaged regularly in brisk walking were 37% less likely to have a stroke. (Stroke, April 2010)  Are you getting enough exercise? For more detailed guidance, check out 8 Steps to Lifelong Wellness & Vitality.

For dark chocolate lovers out there like me, I am delighted to share further evidence that dark chocolate is a food you can love that loves you back — a true dietary superstar!  After following about 20,000 adults for at least 10 years, European researchers reported those who included as little as a small square […]

A mammoth study involving 1.2 million Swedish men determined that the better the cardiovascular fitness level at age 18, the better the cognitive function throughout adulthood.  In this study, there was no relationship between muscle strength at age 18 and future intelligence scores. (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Online, December 2009  

The old saying is true, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! I  swear  by starting my day off right, with a healthy breakfast packed full of nutrients.  Here are 3 of my personal favorite meals/recipes! A bowl of steel cut oatmeal A veggie omelet scramble Breakfast smoothie Get Recipes!