Dr. Ann

As a woman, the daughter of a breast cancer survivor, and a proud member the board of directors of the Prevent Cancer Foundation , I want to share my top food picks for maximizing breast health:  read more>>

There is a fascinating and growing body of science supporting that what a mother eats during pregnancy can have a significant impact on the risk of her child developing various diseases.  A “first of its kind” study from the University of Netherlands looked at how eating different foods during pregnancy affected the risk of eczema […]

Up until now, there has never been credible data to support that calories consumed late at night were any more fattening than those consumed during the day.  An intriguing new laboratory study however, reveals “hard data” to the contrary and should give us reason to be particularly food wary during the wee hours of the […]

I remain in awe of the spectacular power physical activity provides on the disease-busting front.  Two new studies trumpet yet again its effectiveness for keeping the big C at bay.  Reporting in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (July 09), Finnish researchers concluded that men who engaged in moderate to vigorous exercise for at least […]

Over the past decade we have learned that nutrition plays a profound role in maintaining eye health. If you want to keep your eye sight sharp and lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), our leading cause of adult blindness – be sure to get your omega 3 fats. In a 12 year clinical […]

Gamma tocophenal, a high performing form of vitamin E, continues to make headline news on the disease-busting front.  Studies have linked this antioxidant work horse to better cardiovascular health and protection from a host of different cancers.  Fortunately, the foods that provide the very best supply are amongst the most delicious too – pistachios (bet […]

I want everybody to stop drinking soda, including the diet variety, and a new study gives me yet another reason to encourage you to do so. According to Harvard’s Nurses Health Study, women who consumed 2 or more servings of diet soda daily were twice as likely to experience a reduction in kidney function.   (American […]

In what is perhaps the most telling (no screaming) data I have ever come across affirming how life-zapping and disease-promoting  excess body fat can really be, Harvard researchers report that women who gain weight in mid-life are dramatically more likely to enter the golden years burdened with chronic disease and disability than their lean counterparts. […]

With the H1N1 virus making its debut with an unprecedented vengeance – we all need to be more vigilant in keeping our innate immune defenses working at peak performance.  Past studies have consistently shown that those who maintain a regular exercise regimen get less colds and flu type infections than their couch potato counterparts.  A […]

The darlings of the healthy fat world, namely those long-chained omega 3 fats, DHA and EPA, just received a glowing endorsement thanks to a new report in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (August 09).  After an exhaustive review of a slew of studies that included tens of thousands of subjects, cardiovascular experts […]

Restrict the Great White Hazards – white flour products, white rice, white potatoes, and sugar/sweets.  They drive your blood sugar down quickly which triggers sugar cravings. Avoid artificial sweeteners.  These exquisitely sweet agents keep your inner cookie monster primed and ready. Eat regularly – 3 meals a day with a mid-afternoon snack and be sure […]

Through the ages, vinegar has enjoyed a rich and colorful position as an agent of folk medicine and intriguing new science supports that it may be of particular benefit on the weight control front.  Past studies have already shown that it attenuates the glycemic response (rise in blood glucose) when consumed with carb foods (which […]