Control your portions! This can certainly trim your grocery bill and your restaurant bill and recent scientific evidence finds that consistently controlling portions is the fastest direct route to weight loss. According to an article published in Obesity Research, Sept 2004, controlling portions increased the chances of successful weight loss by almost four fold! Dump […]
The flood of new science from the past decade extolling the benefits of exercise for brain health are simply mind-blowing. Thanks to Columbia University researchers, we have yet another study to add to our “exercise for brain health” archive. After following the exercise habits of 1,238 elderly subjects over a six-year period of time, investigators […]
There is now a mountain of scientific evidence that belly (visceral) fat is particularly dangerous so I am excited to share results from a new report that identified two simple strategies for fighting this menace. For this evaluation, Wake Forest researchers followed 1,114 people over a 5-year period to determine what dietary and lifestyle factors […]
I consider plain yogurt an exceptionally good-for-you-food and encourage you to make your own. The taste and texture of homemade yogurt is sublime and it is as easy to make as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! (At least according to my daughter Lucie who is the yogurt maker in my home.) Here is how […]
Are you eating healthy when you dine out? Here are a few surprising facts about foods you may (or may not) have considered healthy choices: Many entree salads have tons of calories, especially when you add full-fat dressing or order them with breaded/fried chicken on top. Relative to most other choices, chili is a reasonably […]
When dining out, there are a couple foods you should absolutely AVOID to make sure you are eating the healthiest. You should really try to stay away from these foods: Fried foods (fries, fish sandwiches, fried chicken) Oversized portions Full fat salad dressings Biscuits Sugar-fortified beverages (cola, sweet tea) Anything with cheese on it Instead, […]
Want to know where my passion for healthy eating comes from? This movie trailer says it all! Click to view: Forks Over Knives
The importance of optimal sleep in terms of health and quality of life cannot be overstated. Inadequate sleep has been consistently linked to a growing list of modern day ills including weight gain, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, emotional disorders and metabolic syndrome. According to a new study, it appears to be a major “brain […]
Dietary fiber scored another health victory when researchers at the National Cancer Institute determined that it may reduce the risk of death from any cause. Past scientific triumphs of this indigestible component of plant foods include: less diabetes, less gastrointestinal disease, less obesity, less inflammation and lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. This study included […]
Shrimp, clams, oysters, scallops and lobster offer a delectable and super-healthy alternative to meat proteins that are low in calories and have hardly any bad fat. Shellfish are brimming with nourishment too including B vitamins, vitamin D, and those awesome omega 3 fats. They are rich in an array of important minerals and provide more […]
In a first-of-its-kind evaluation presented at the International Congress on Obesity, German researchers evaluated 9 popular over-the-counter weight loss products to see if they were effective. In this double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial (the most accurate type of study), NONE of the supplements were any more effective than the placebo (dummy pills). In a second […]
Eggplant is a nutritional powerhouse and my pick for superstar food of the month. Since some are a little unsure about how to prepare this veggie, I wanted to share with you one of my favorite recipes for Eggplant Fritters. Try these tonight! They are family-friendly and 100% healthy. In case you missed it, my Eggplant […]