Dr. Ann

Including a tossed salad as a pre-meal appetizer is a delicious and super-nutritious means to help you eat less. In fact, if you dress your salad with a little olive-oil based vinaigrette, this simple mealtime tactic can rein in your appetite through five separate means: The bulkiness of the lettuce and raw veggies rapidly fills the […]

  Beans – Beans are the most underutilized economic superfood. This humble nutritional powerhouse of a food group is worthy on many fronts particularly for appetite control, healthy metabolism, cardiovascular health, and brain health. Strive to include a serving in any form and in any variety each day.     Dark Leafy Greens –   Dark […]

Whole grains have already reached blockbuster status as foods that provide broad-spectrum disease protection and a powerful study adds to many others touting this wholesome food group as a powerful defense against type 2 diabetes. In a study that followed the diets of over 5,000 adults over an 8-10 year period, those consuming the most […]

Barley is a sleeper superfood! This exceptionally versatile intact whole grain food is exceptional for boosting health. Thanks to its mother load of fiber (3 times more than oats!), as well as its hefty dose of magnesium, B vitamins, and selenium, barley is arguably one of the best foods around for lowering cholesterol, preventing heart […]

We already know that acute stress can trigger risky “emotional” eating, and research suggests slowing down metabolism may an additional way that stress piles on the pounds. For this new study, scientists carefully questioned a group of female adult study subjects about their previous days’ stressors and then fed them a single high-calorie, high-fat meal […]

Metabolism is the process by which your body uses fuel provided by foods you eat to produce energy at the cellular level. Of all the things you could do to ensure a healthy, robust metabolism – nothing is more effective than regular physical activity. The reason is simple – exercise can enhance metabolism through four […]

Metabolism is the process by which your body uses fuel provided by foods you eat to produce energy at the cellular level. Of all the things you could do to ensure a healthy, robust metabolism – nothing is more effective than regular physical activity. The reason is simple – exercise can enhance metabolism through four […]

Exercise is simply stellar for weight control. Check out all the different ways exercise can help you stay lean! Exercise burns calories. Exercise enhances insulin sensitivity (insulin action) which boosts calorie burning potential. Exercise builds lean body mass (muscle). The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn.  Muscles burn fat very effectively […]

If you want to burn more calories after a meal and experience reduced hunger, add a liberal dash or two of red pepper. Studies have shown that capsaicin, the component in chili peppers that provides its hot kick, can mitigate hunger and boost metabolism. Try adding some to my delicious bell pepper recipe! Healthy Stuffed […]

Whether you are trying to lose a few pounds or keep the scale steady – here are some super-easy steps for priming your fat-burning machinery and revving up metabolism. Steer clear of the “Great White Hazards.” (white flour products, white rice, white potatoes, and sugar)  These foods lead to rapid surges in blood glucose and […]

As even small amounts of excess body fat (especially if deposited in the belly) can boost your risk of a laundry list of deadly diseases – awareness of simple strategies to power up your metabolism can be very healthful.  Simply stated – your metabolism is how many calories you burn for the production of energy […]

Because even small amounts of excess body fat, especially if deposited in the belly, can boost the risk of many chronic diseases – taking steps to power up your metabolism can pay big health dividends. Simply stated, metabolism is the calories burned for the production of energy necessary to keep the body functioning properly. Whether […]