If you are looking for a tasty and easy way to get even more nutritional oomph from your salad veggies, then look to eggs. That was the conclusion from a study that sought to find out if adding cooked eggs to a salad would increase the absorption of a prized group of veggie-based compounds called carotenoids. For […]
Weight loss plateaus are a predictable reality for people that lose a significant amount of weight. No matter what type of weight-reduction plan people embark on, usually at around six months, weight loss seems to stall. Weight loss plateaus result from physiologic changes that take place in the body naturally as a part of […]
If you love almonds like I do, you will be delighted to learn that this wonder of a superstar food provides significantly fewer calories than previously thought. In a study specifically designed to accurately measure the actual number of “digested and absorbed” calories provided by almonds – scientists found the calorie counts were in reality […]
They provide “complete” (all the essential amino acids) protein that is gentler on your bones, your digestive system, and the environment. They provide all the essential fatty acids including a big hit of those precious omega 3 fats. They provide a comprehensive package of minerals including lots of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. They are […]
I’ll never forget the medical mission my family and I went on in Peru (which included a 28 mile hike to Machu Picchu on the ancient Inca trail) and how it gave me a renewed appreciation for fitness, Mother Earth, and quinoa! Commonly considered a grain, but actually a protein-rich seed, quinoa was revered as ” […]
If you are looking for a tasty, healthy, and highly effective way to quiet your hunger and eat less—look to beans. In a placebo-controlled clinical trial that pitted bean-based meals head to head with meat-based meals, beans came out on top. For this study, investigators fed 43 young men three different test meal burgers, each […]
Low-fat or non-fat PLAIN yogurt is truly the cream of the dairy crop and a superstar, standout food. Here are 6 great reasons to enjoy it daily. Yogurt provides probiotics (beneficial bacteria) that are fundamental to gastrointestinal health as well as metabolic and immune function. Yogurt provides more calcium than any other food. As an added bonus, […]
The right proteins are a powerful ally in your pursuit of optimal health and my standard advice for making the best protein choices just got a big boost on the healthy heart front. After following the diets of over 84,000 women for 26 years, Harvard investigators determined that eating red meat and full-fat dairy products […]
In the scientific literature, processed meats repeatedly rear their notorious heads as powerful cancer promoters. Thanks to the researchers from Harvard’s School of Public Health, we have a large-scale review of how processed meats impact the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Investigators evaluated about 1,600 studies, including over a million study subjects and concluded that eating […]
In an intriguing scientific twist that really grabbed my attention, scientists uncovered insight on how the “type of calories” we eat – in this case, protein vs. carbs – can have totally different effects on special brain cells involved in wakefulness and metabolism. Housed in our brains are specialized neurons called orexin cells. Orexin cells […]
Appetite control is the Holy Grail for weight control. Here are 3 simple and delicious ways to help you eat less. Dig the Power of Protein Protein is nature’s diet pill – providing longer lasting appetite suppression than either fats or carbs. Include some healthy (lean) protein at every meal. The right dose (around 12+ […]
Maintaining muscle mass is paramount for weight control, metabolic health, and overall functionality and quality of life. The International Osteoporosis Foundation recently sought to review past, worldwide studies to identify the most effective nutritional avenues for preventing loss of muscle mass, known as sarcopenia. Their scientific review identified the following key strategies: Optimal protein intake: […]