Dr. Ann

If you want to maximize youthfulness, here are 7 foods that should always be on your grocery list. Wild salmon Berries – any variety Dark leafy greens Apples Nuts – any variety Beans – any variety Avocados 

In a first-of-its-kind evaluation presented at the International Congress on Obesity, German researchers evaluated 9 popular over-the-counter weight loss products to see if they were effective.  In this double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial (the most accurate type of study), NONE of the supplements were any more effective than the placebo (dummy pills). In a second […]

Most people know that too much bad fat (saturated and trans) will do a dirty number on their hearts, but few recognize that too much sugar is likely even worse! Unfortunately, sugar consumption is at an all-time high in the U.S. with 16% of our total calories coming from sugar added to processed and prepared […]

Fish oil supplements made headline news on 2 fronts this month.  The largest clinical trial ever undertaken to test the efficacy of fish oil for the treatment of depression revealed some very promising and happy results.  For study subjects with unipolar depression (depression without an anxiety disorder), the fish oil supplement relieved depression on par […]

Being physically active at any stage of life is beneficial for maintaining a sharp mind, but being physically active during the teen years proved to be the most effective for preventing age-related cognitive decline in this new study.  (Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, June 2010) People in their 70’s who regularly engaged in moderate […]

As you may know from my previous posting, peaches are my featured “Superstar Food” — while tpeaches are incredible on their own, I also wanted to share one of my favorite peach salad recipes created by my daughter Lucie called Peaches and Green. (click on link for recipe)

Sweet, juicy, and so delicious – peaches are a reservoir of healthy goodness. A cup of this fruit has only 60 calories and provides a super sweet blast of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and potent antioxidant carotenoids. We already know that peaches are great for heart health, but they may prove to be most beneficial for […]

In an intriguing new report, scientists determined that having a high HDL (good) cholesterol level is strongly associated with a lower risk of cancer.  The data comes from a review of 24 pooled studies that followed cancer incidence and HDL levels.  The researchers found a 36% lower risk of cancer for every 10 point increase in […]

This year I finally got around to planting my very own vegetable garden, and have thoroughly enjoyed both the process and the delicious, super healthy, nutrient-packed veggies it yields. Related content: 5 Skinny Reasons to Include a Salad with Your Dinner  [VIDEO] Getting Your Kids to Eat More Veggies Asian Cabbage Salad  [RECIPE]

As they do every 5 years, the USDA has just released their updated nutrition guidelines for Americans.  Among the “changes” were recommendations for less salt, less saturated and trans fat, more plant-based foods and more seafood. I concur. There was overwhelming consensus among the nutrition experts involved that the overall and primary focus should be […]

Eggplant is my pick for superstar food of the month for June! If you are looking for ways to include this nutrient-packed veggie in your diet, try my delicious and 100% healthy recipe for Eggplant Parmesan. If you are looking for more healthy cooking ideas, you may want to check out my recipes for Blueberry […]

Restrict your intake of the “Great White Hazards” – white flour products, white rice, white potatoes and sugar/sweets. These foods trigger and perpetuate your appetite in addition to adverse metabolic effects. Replace these high glycemic, refined carbs with 100% whole grains and beans. Pump up the volume! Eat as many “big, yet skinny” fruits and […]