Mushrooms are great for you! They’re super low in calories (20 calories per ½ cup), but high in key nutrients, including B vitamins, copper, potassium, and selenium – it’s wise to get into the health habit of including them regularly in your diet. A little known fact is that mushrooms are also filled with powerful […]
Want a simple, quick, dirt cheap, and totally healthy way to improve your weight control? Drink a big glass of water 30 minutes before your meals. This was the encouraging conclusion from a clinical trial published in the journal Obesity. For this study, researchers had 41 obese study subjects drink 500 mls (about 1 pint) of […]
I was blessed to discover the joys of healthy living at a young age and have been hooked ever since. I also know that there is no way I could speak to people with the heart, passion, energy and authenticity it takes to compel them to improve their health behaviors unless I practice what I […]
Get into the habit of kicking up the flavor and health of your bean, poultry and rice dishes with turmeric and curry. Both are teeming with the golden yellow pigment, curcumin now world-famous for its anti-inflammatory power. Inflammation plays a fundamental role in the genesis of many chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer and […]
As even small amounts of excess body fat (especially if deposited in the belly) can boost your risk of a laundry list of deadly diseases – awareness of simple strategies to power up your metabolism can be very healthful. Simply stated – your metabolism is how many calories you burn for the production of energy […]
An alarming, new study from Harvard researchers suggests that a commonly used food additive, propionate, may drive the development of obesity and weight gain. For their initial investigation, the researchers first administered propionate to a group of lab mice. Shortly after receiving the propionate, the mice experienced a surge in their stress hormone levels, which […]
Want a delicious way to lower your blood pressure? Enjoy some walnuts! Thanks to researchers from Penn State, we now have yet another reason to go nuts for walnuts. For this study researchers placed a group of 45 overweight, adult study subjects on one of three study diets. All of the study diets were low […]
Almond Oatmeal Pancakes Topped with Yogurt and Fresh Fruit Serves 4 Yep – this is a 100% healthy pancake recipe that is delectable. Ingredients 1/2 cup almond flour 1/2 cup oatmeal 2 omega-3 eggs 2 egg whites 4 ounces plain yogurt pinch of salt cooking spray For topping: 2 cups frozen blueberries or berries/fruit of […]
With the exception of occasional, modest use in diabetics, I do not use nor do I recommend artificial sweeteners. Even though they will not elevate blood glucose or fructose levels like “real” sweeteners, they may indeed have other untoward effects in the body. Although science supports their safety and lack of toxicity (exception saccharin and […]
Minimize consumption of saturated fats. Fatty cuts of beef, pork, and lamb, poultry skin, whole dairy products (milk, cream, full-fat cheeses, ice cream), palm and coconut oil. Saturated fat is the primary dietary culprit that elevates your LDL (bad) cholesterol. Follow these simple strategies to raise your HDL (good) cholesterol level. Lose weight, if overweight. […]
Blueberries owe their deep, blue color to a class of phytochemicals called anthocyanins. Like lycopene, anthocyanins have potent antioxidant power, but they are also true workhorses when it comes to fighting inflammation. Science is now telling us that excessive inflammation plays a major role in the development of a broad range of diseases, including heart […]
Chocolate and dessert lovers rejoice! I have a recipe for a healthy chocolate sundae that will have your mouths watering. Simply take 2 scoops of “Purely Decadent” brand coconut milk ice cream (vanilla bean or coconut flavor) and smother it with 2 ounces of melted 72% (or higher) dark chocolate (I like Ghiradelli’s “Midnight Reverie”), and […]