Be sure these foods make their way into your grocery cart often! A variety of fruit – especially berries, apples, red grapes, cherries, oranges, and plums A variety of vegetables – especially dark leafy greens, red onions, tomatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and red/orange/yellow bell peppers Extra virgin olive oil Herbs and spices – especially ginger, […]
The food industry knows that many of you are aware that omega 3 fats are the darlings of the healthy fat world, and they are finding very clever ways to exploit these essential fats as “added value” in their products. You can now find a growing list of “omega 3 fortified” foods including: peanut butter, […]
Heart attacks remain the leading killer of women – killing more women than the next 5 causes of death combined. Additionally, heart attacks tend to be more deadly in women vs. men. So it was especially good news and incredibly empowering that a provocative study in the Archives of Internal Medicine (October 2007) reported that women could […]
I was blessed to discover the joys of healthy living at a young age and have been hooked ever since. I also know that there is no way I could speak to people with the heart, passion, energy and authenticity it takes to compel them to improve their health behaviors unless I practice what I […]
Loss of muscle mass, known as sarcopenia, is a common and potentially deadly accompaniment to aging and good nutrition proves to be a powerful ally to help counter this debilitating state. Maintaining muscle mass is fundamental to ensuring a healthy metabolism and plays a defining role in maintaining functionality in old age. In fact, muscular […]
In an attempt to evaluate the scientific efficacy of various interventions to boost intelligence in young children, researchers recently identified three effective strategies. For this evaluation intelligence experts did a comprehensive review of the best published studies. They noted the following IQ boosters: Supplementing the diets of pregnant women and newborns with omega 3 supplements […]
If you take fish oil supplements, check to be sure they’re in the natural “triglyceride” form vs. the “ethyl ester” form. Although it is always best to get your vital omega 3 fats from oily fish like wild salmon, fish oil supplements are a convenient alternative for those who cannot or do not eat oily fish. In a recent […]
If you want to live longer and significantly reduce your risk of death from heart disease - put eating fish on your healthy to do list. In a first-of-its-kind study, scientist determined that study subjects with the highest blood levels of omega 3 fatty acids (a reliable marker for fish consumption) lowered their overall risk of death by 27% […]
Consuming breakfast with a nice dose of protein may be a powerful strategy to help us eat less, especially later in the day. In a novel study conducted in a group of overweight young adults who regularly skipped breakfast, researchers found that including a protein-rich breakfast reduced appetite throughout the day and decreased evening snacking. For the […]
High-intensity interval training, known as HIIT, has been scoring one scientific victory after another, and I am excited to share two new study findings that I hope will excite you as much as they did me. HIIT involves brief (generally 30 seconds) yet very intense aerobic activity alternating with 3-4 minutes of very light activity […]
If you don’t want to lose your mind as you get older, you may want to pay close attention to your carbohydrate consumption. A study from Mayo Clinic researchers found that elderly subjects who consumed the most carb foods and sugars were the most likely to become cognitively-impaired. For the study, researchers followed the diets […]
I am a huge advocate of monitoring heart rate during exercise to optimize health, safety and fitness and for the first time a landmark report has determined what calculation can accurately give women their “peak heart rate.” Instead of the traditional 220 minus your age, the new formula is 206 minus 88% of your age. […]