Dr. Ann

The stunning blue to purple hues in plant-based foods come from a special class of plant pigments called anthocyanins. In the lab, anthocyanins exhibit dazzling anti-inflammatory power, but studies in real people have been lacking. In one of the very first large-scale studies in human subjects, these potent plant-based compounds displayed great promise for improving […]

In as little as two weeks, a daily dose of a sugary beverage can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in healthy young subjects. That was the riveting conclusion from a clinical trial that is the first to show a direct dose-response relationship between sugary beverage consumption and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. For this […]

Up until a few years ago, there was no credible data to support that calories consumed late at night were any more fattening than those consumed during the day.  However, an intriguing laboratory study revealed “hard data” to the contrary and should give us reason to be particularly food wary during the wee hours of the […]

  Beans – Beans are the most underutilized economic superfood. This humble nutritional powerhouse of a food group is worthy on many fronts particularly for appetite control, healthy metabolism, cardiovascular health, and brain health. Strive to include a serving in any form and in any variety each day.     Dark Leafy Greens –   Dark […]

A healthy HDL level (>50) is associated with less risk of heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s and colon cancer. Follow these simple strategies to raise your HDL (good) cholesterol level. (Mine is 93!) Lose weight, if overweight. Engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (brisk walking) most days of the week. (Talk to […]

Thanks to a remarkable report, “no time for exercise” may be a poor excuse. In follow-up to an earlier study that found very brief bouts of high-intensity exercise were just as effective as much longer periods of moderate exercise – scientists have now shown that this method, dubbed HIT for short, doesn’t even have to be […]

Fiber’s reputation as a nutritional hero continues growing. In fact, fiber may be the real fountain of youth. That was the upshot of an Australian study that followed the diets and health statuses of over 1,600 adults for a ten-year period. At the beginning of the study all of the study subjects were age 49 or older and […]

Artichoke Hearts – Even right out of the can or jar, this drably colored veggie rivals berries with its supreme antioxidant power—providing 8 times more than oranges! They are also a great source of vitamin C and fiber, including a special form of fiber called inulin that nourishes the growth of the “good” bacteria in the […]

Inflammation is now widely recognized as a primary driver for most all chronic diseases and it appears that losing even modest amounts of weight can effectively douse the damaging inferno of excess inflammation in the body. For this one year evaluation, 438 women were placed on a weight loss program through diet or diet and exercise. […]

October 25, 2020 • Brain Health

Why Fish Is Brain Food

I already consider regular fish consumption a “brainy” health habit, and I am happy to share a study that lends even more support to the wise selection of fish as one of the smartest protein choices you could make. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh sought to compare brain size as measured by MRI relative to […]

In a groundbreaking new study scientists have identified a quick and easy way to lift mood and improve outlook—simply smile, even if it is a fake smile! For this study scientists had study subjects induce a fake smile by holding a pen between their teeth, forcing their facial muscles to move as they would in a real smile. The […]

Eating healthy, even if you are obese, offers life-saving benefits while eating poorly, even if you are lean, can be deadly. That was the sobering conclusion of a new study from Sweden. For this study, scientists monitored the diet quality and weight of 79,023 Swedish adults whose diet quality and body weights were monitored over […]