Dr. Ann

Because life happens for me too – sometimes fast food is my only option. Here is how I handle this precarious situation. If I am really pressed for time, my first choice is Subway. Fortunately, Subways are everywhere and now outnumber any other fast food chain. Here is exactly what I order: Turkey and Provolone […]

Over the past decade, there has been a flood of studies supporting the supreme importance of optimal sleep for weight control. It appears that inadequate sleep can lead to weight gain through a host of separate mechanisms that affect both the energy intake and the energy expenditure side of the body weight equation. In summery of […]

Because of the wholesome words commonly used to describe muffin offerings like “bran”, “carrot walnut”, or “cranberry”, these no icing, jumbo cupcakes have a healthier reputation than they deserve. Some come with upwards of 550 calories and ten teaspoons of sugar (which makes a donut seem benign.) Do not be taken by the low-fat options […]

If you want to burn more fat during your morning workout, do it before your breakfast. Exercise physiologists wanted to see how a morning workout affected food intake and fat burning. To evaluate, they had 12 fit males exercise on a treadmill at 10 AM either before or after eating breakfast. Following the exercise, all […]

When we eat and how often we eat may impact our weight control for better or for worse. In a provocative report that included data from more than 50,000 healthy adults followed over several years, scientists uncovered definite associations between meal timing and meal frequency and weight control. Here were the key take home findings. […]

The studies confirming movement as a “magic pill” for vitality and health protection just keep rolling in. Here are two exciting ones to get you going. In a study that was the first to evaluate the relationship between fitness, heart function and blood flow to the brain, scientists concluded that exercise at any age likely […]

Fish may be so valuable for brain health that even a single serving a week may provide profound benefits. In a stunning report presented at a scientific meeting, researchers noted that elderly study subjects who reported eating baked or broiled fish (not fried!) one to four times a week had significantly bigger brains, and were […]

Studies over the past decade have consistently shown that belly fat, also known as visceral fat, is notoriously dangerous. In an evaluation involving over 100,000 adults, researchers found the bigger the belly, the greater the risk of death from any cause. Even study subjects with normal BMI’s, but larger bellies had a higher risk of […]

One of the most delicious, easiest and effective ways to ensure that you get the recommended 5 or more servings of veggies a day is to eat lots of salads. Here is how to get the most nutritional bang for your efforts: Well stocked salad bars offer a quick and convenient opportunity to tap into the […]

Barley is a sleeper superfood! This exceptionally versatile intact whole grain food is exceptional for boosting health. Thanks to its mother load of fiber (3 times more than oats!), as well as its hefty dose of magnesium, B vitamins, and selenium, barley is arguably one of the best foods around for lowering cholesterol, preventing heart […]

We already know that acute stress can trigger risky “emotional” eating, and research suggests slowing down metabolism may an additional way that stress piles on the pounds. For this new study, scientists carefully questioned a group of female adult study subjects about their previous days’ stressors and then fed them a single high-calorie, high-fat meal […]

In a study that should absolutely grab everyone’s attention, scientists concluded that as body weight climbs, blood flow to the brain, as well as brain function progressively declines. For this eye-opening report, which marks the largest to date looking at brain activity and blood flow relative to body weight, scientists performed functional MRI scans of […]