Dr. Ann

A randomized, controlled clinical trial found that including 3 servings of whole grain foods daily reduced systolic blood pressure on par with prescription drugs and could reduce the incidence of heart disease and stroke by at least 15% and 25%, respectively.  (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Oct 2010) Amongst 4,497 young adults followed for 20 […]

Want to add up to ten years of healthy brain function to your later life? Then be sure to exercise! In a totally inspiring study that once again echoes the profound benefits movement has on the brain, researchers documented that older adults who regularly engaged in moderate to intense physical activity like jogging or aerobics […]

If you want to lose weight, get your insulin level down! Insulin is your body’s fuel storage “fat hormone.” The higher your insulin level, the hungrier you are and the more receptive your fat cells will be to accumulating more fat and the more resistant they will be to giving it up. In fact, weight […]

Starches are “comfort foods” that we all tend to want and even crave. Some are great for you while others are bad for you. Here are the lists of both to guide you to better health. Good Starches Any form of beans, peas, or lentils Any form of winter squash – butternut, acorn, kabocha, pumpkin, […]

If you want to have healthy cholesterol levels I would recommend that you include some green tea with your repertoire of cholesterol-lowering foods. Sipping on green tea is one of my most cherished daily rituals so I was particularly inspired by a report that provided strong evidence that this is indeed a heart-healthy habit. For […]

Chocolate Banana Oatmeal Serves 1 This recipe is decadently delicious and great for you. It is my breakfast of choice on a chilly winter morning. Kids will love it too. Ingredients A single serving of quick cooking steel cut oats. (now available in a few brands from the standard grocer) ½ large ripe banana or […]

Although it contains “sugar,” molasses also provides an impressive array of “healthy” goodies that give it a huge nutritional edge over other sweeteners. This bold and robust natural sweetener is chock full of health-boosting antioxidants and minerals. A single tablespoon provides over 35% of the daily value for manganese and copper and about 20% of […]

Exercise intensity, not duration, appears to be the key to improving memory for those above 60. That was the illuminating conclusion of a pivotal study from the scientists of McMaster University. For this study researchers had 64 sedentary seniors between the ages of 60 and 80 participate in one of three exercise regimens—stretching, high intensity […]

Awesome avocados just received yet another health victory. Past studies have shown that avocados can lower “bad,” LDL cholesterol so scientists were curious if it could reduce the most ominous form of LDL of all —“oxidized” small, dense LDL’s. To perform this study, the scientists had 45 overweight study subjects consume a series of three […]

Getting lots of dietary potassium has been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Here are the foods that provide the most potassium: Blackstrap Molasses Cantaloupe Avocado Beet greens Peaches Prunes Tomato juice Yogurt Snapper Lima beans Salmon Soybeans Swiss chard Apricots Oranges Pumpkin seeds Sweet Potato Banana […]

Some foods are better for you than others and are true nutritional powerhouses! Here are five foods that are exceptional for you and that you should strive to include in your daily diet. Dark Leafy Greens Nuts Berries Whole Citrus Beans Dr. Ann’s Cure-All Kale Salad Serves 8-10 When I feel like I am coming […]

Exercise most days — If you don’t accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity most days of the week you are virtually guaranteed to accumulate belly fat. And the more the better! Eat an abundance of non-starchy veggies and fruits. Enjoy beans daily. Avoid the “Great White Hazards” — white flour products, white rice, white […]