Communicate with your healthcare provider and directly convey to him or her that you are under financial constraints. Ask about less expensive alternatives in regards to testing and therapeutics. Make sure you know exactly what things are going to cost before you have them done or before you have to purchase them. Request generic drugs […]
At this point in science, the only proven means to slow the aging process (at least in laboratory animals) is chronic caloric deprivation. Indeed, animal studies have shown repeatedly that decreasing caloric intake long term can dramatically slow down the ever-ticking aging clock. read more>> To take the guess work out of grocery shopping, check […]
Up until now, there has never been credible data to support that calories consumed late at night were any more fattening than those consumed during the day. An intriguing new laboratory study however, reveals “hard data” to the contrary and should give us reason to be particularly food wary during the wee hours of the […]
I remain in awe of the spectacular power physical activity provides on the disease-busting front. Two new studies trumpet yet again its effectiveness for keeping the big C at bay. Reporting in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (July 09), Finnish researchers concluded that men who engaged in moderate to vigorous exercise for at least […]
One of the most spectacular scientific advancements of the past 2 decades has been the recognition that as individuals, we have enormous power and control over whether or not we will develop chronic disease. Thankfully, cancer is no exception to this glorious biologic reality. Based on the latest scientific estimates, up to 70% of all […]
Ring in the New Year and the dawn of a new decade with a renewed commitment to take charge of your health! Here are my top 5 picks for healthy eating tips for wellness. Go nuts. Include a small handful of nuts (about 1 oz) in your diet each day. These delectable morsels of good […]
Over the past decade we have learned that nutrition plays a profound role in maintaining eye health. If you want to keep your eye sight sharp and lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), our leading cause of adult blindness – be sure to get your omega 3 fats. In a 12 year clinical […]
Health and wellness are profoundly impacted by the food we choose to eat. One of the most spectacular scientific advancements of modern medical times has been the recognition that the majority of chronic diseases are directly linked to diet – both in terms of causation and protection. Indeed, diet-related chronic diseases represent the single greatest cause […]
Gamma tocophenal, a high performing form of vitamin E, continues to make headline news on the disease-busting front. Studies have linked this antioxidant work horse to better cardiovascular health and protection from a host of different cancers. Fortunately, the foods that provide the very best supply are amongst the most delicious too – pistachios (bet […]
I want everybody to stop drinking soda, including the diet variety, and a new study gives me yet another reason to encourage you to do so. According to Harvard’s Nurses Health Study, women who consumed 2 or more servings of diet soda daily were twice as likely to experience a reduction in kidney function. (American […]
Feeling fatigued? You are not alone. Fatigue and lack of energy are amongst the most common complaints I hear from the patients in my wellness practice. Here are 3 dietary strategies for just saying whoa to fatigue: Be sure to have some high quality protein at each feeding/meal. The digestion of protein gives rise to […]
In what is perhaps the most telling (no screaming) data I have ever come across affirming how life-zapping and disease-promoting excess body fat can really be, Harvard researchers report that women who gain weight in mid-life are dramatically more likely to enter the golden years burdened with chronic disease and disability than their lean counterparts. […]