Dr. Ann

If you want to improve your shut-eye and brighten your spirits, losing a little weight may do the trick. In an uplifting report, researchers found that losing as little as 5% of existing body weight was enough to improve sleep quality and mood in overweight study subjects. For the study, scientists assigned 390 obese adults […]

Diet soda, better known as a “science experiment in a can,” has ZERO nutritionally redeeming values and a growing list of strikes against it on the health front. I urge you to wise up and ditch the habit. Here are seven science-based reasons to dump the diet drinks forever. (I’m launching my latest e-course on […]

For advocates and followers of low-carb/high protein diets, a provocative, report generating some of the first data on specifically how this diet pattern impacts vascular health, I hope will serve to douse any remaining Atkins’ enthusiasm once and for all. Reporting in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Aug 09), scientists found that […]

Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates enthusiastically proclaimed, “What is good for the heart is good for the mind.” Now we know he was spot on with these sage words.  Studies over the past decade have consistently revealed that if you take good care of your heart and arteries, you get the added bonus of having […]

If shedding some weight via exercise is one of your health goals for the New Year and you want to get the most bang for your time, you would be best served to incorporate aerobic vs. resistance exercise. In a study that marks the largest randomized trial ever undertaken to directly quantify changes in body […]

Over the past decade, fiber has garnered a well-deserved sparkling track record for guarding health. To drive sales, the food industry has pounced on the opportunity to exploit fiber’s glowing reputation by adding processed, chemically-extracted fiber, commonly inulin, to the full gamut of processed foods—including cereals, protein bars, yogurt, bread, ice cream, amongst many others. […]

Past studies have linked fast food to a litany of adverse health outcomes including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, depression, and lower IQ. Can it get any worse!? Apparently so. It appears we can now add asthma and allergic diseases to fast food’s list of dubious distinctions. For this first of its kind […]

Those well-deserved darlings of the healthy fat world strike again. This time in an eye-opening study that looked at how omega 3 fats taken in the form of a daily supplement affects kids’ behavior. For this well-conducted, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial (the only type of study that can prove cause and effect), researchers gave 100 […]

Drinking coffee fits in beautifully with healthy living. That was the energizing conclusion from a massive review analysis that combined the data from 201 previously published studies looking at coffee consumption and health outcomes. Here are the reports “perks” at a glance: A longer life Reduced risk of death from all causes, with heart disease […]

Emotional well-being and mood are profoundly influenced by diet and lifestyle. Gratefully, the science supports a host of “therapeutic lifestyle changes” – TLC for short – that can improve your mood and lower your risk of depression. Here’s the complete list based on my most recent scientific review. (Please note these strategies are in no […]

Low levels of vitamin D are amongst the most common and concerning of all vitamin deficiencies reported in the US, affecting 50-70 percent of adults and 30 to 50 percent of youth. Sadly, low levels of vitamin D have been tied to a litany of adverse health outcomes including CV disease, cancer, metabolic dysfunction, Type […]

Woohoo! That is what I said as I read a report that suggested that eating foods high in ellagic acid may help us lose weight and avoid gaining it. When you see the list of foods that provide the highest amounts, you will understand my glee – hint they are really delicious. First, the study […]