Dr. Ann

After immersing human tooth enamel in a broad range of sports drinks and energy drinks several times a day – dental researchers observed irreversible tooth enamel erosion after just five days. Both beverages are highly acidic and acids in beverages are known to erode tooth enamel. (General Dentistry May/June 2012) From 2001 to 2009, the […]

While carrots are notorious for helping to improve your eyesight, they also contain significant nutritional value and help control disease. Learn more about what a superstar carrots are in this short video: Carrots RELATED Carrot Sesame Burgers [RECIPE]

In an analysis of four former studies including a total of 352,384 study subjects, those consuming the most white rice were 27% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes relative to those eating the least. The relationship between white rice and diabetes was especially marked in Asian populations with a 55% higher risk in the […]

Study after study after study has linked drinking sugary beverages to a host of modern day ills. And here is another one. In an evaluation involving thousands of adults of various ethnicities, middle-aged women who reported drinking two or more sugary beverages (like soda, fruit drinks, sports drinks, etc) daily were almost four times more likely to […]

According to scientific projections presented at the recent Annual American Heart Association Meeting (AHA Scientific Session November 16, 2011 Orlando, FL), Americans are on the fast track to catastrophic health consequences as a result of unhealthy living. Based on the researcher’s analysis, 83 percent of men and 72 percent women will be overweight or obese […]

Alpha-carotene is a potent plant-based antioxidant that has been associated with a reduced risk of death from any cause. The following list of foods has the highest concentrations. Canned pumpkin Carrots Butternut squash Tomato juice (low sodium) Dark leafy greens (any variety) Tomatoes (fresh, canned, sauce or paste) Cabbage Red bell peppers Tangerines Green beans […]

Want to know where my passion for healthy eating comes from? This movie trailer says it all! Click to view: Forks Over Knives

Dietary fiber scored another health victory when researchers at the National Cancer Institute determined that it may reduce the risk of death from any cause.  Past scientific triumphs of this indigestible component of plant foods include: less diabetes, less gastrointestinal disease, less obesity, less inflammation and lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.  This study included […]

Sugary beverages continue to rear their ugly heads on the chronic disease front.  Aside from smoking, consuming sugary beverages tops my list of unhealthy habits. Soda has zero nutritional value and has repeatedly been linked to great harm.  In a new report that analyzed data from 11 previous studies, researchers concluded that drinking one or […]

Fish oil supplements made headline news on 2 fronts this month.  The largest clinical trial ever undertaken to test the efficacy of fish oil for the treatment of depression revealed some very promising and happy results.  For study subjects with unipolar depression (depression without an anxiety disorder), the fish oil supplement relieved depression on par […]

Over the past few months there has been a plethora of new data on the beverage front. Here are some highlights: For every additional cup of coffee consumed daily, the risk of diabetes decreased by 7%. Those drinking 3 or 4 cups a day were 25% less likely to get diabetes vs. those drinking zero […]

Grilled meat, especially red meat is a well known source of 2 cancer-causing agents, namely HCA’s and PAH’s.  HCA’s develop when the muscle proteins of meats are exposed to high heat.  PAH’s form in the black, charred outer portions of grilled meats when the surface fat and juices come into direct contact with the flame […]