Dr. Ann

In a landmark report that speaks volumes to the power we possess through our diets to turn off bad genes, enjoying a Mediterranean diet proved to be a winner for stroke protection. In this study, researchers involved with the PREDIMED clinical trial, a prestigious study that compared the health effects of a Mediterranean diet to […]

Low-fat or non-fat PLAIN yogurt is truly the cream of the dairy crop and a superstar, standout food. Here are 6 great reasons to enjoy it daily. Yogurt provides probiotics (beneficial bacteria) that are fundamental to gastrointestinal health as well as metabolic and immune function. Yogurt provides more calcium than any other food. As an added bonus, […]

Blueberries owe their deep, blue color to a class of phytochemicals called anthocyanins. Like lycopene, anthocyanins have potent antioxidant power, but they are also true workhorses when it comes to fighting inflammation. Science is now telling us that excessive inflammation plays a major role in the development of a broad range of diseases, including heart […]

Thankfully great news on exercise is always forthcoming and here are three notable headlines: An analysis involving a total of 218,000 study subjects found that regular physical activity can stifle the effects of the powerful FTO gene. The FTO gene is one of the most common and well-documented genetic markers for obesity risk. (Another remarkable […]

In a report that constitutes one of the most thorough review of alcohol and cancer-related deaths in the U.S. over the past 30 years – scientists made some eye-popping conclusions that everyone needs to be aware of. Here are the highlights: Alcohol use is one of the leading causes of preventable cancer deaths. Alcohol is […]

In a landmark report, Johns Hopkins researchers have taken the scientific validity of the power of healthy living to a whole new level. For this evaluation, the researchers carefully followed how four key lifestyle factors affected the risk of heart disease and overall death risk in over 6,200 racially diverse study subjects. All of the […]

In a highly informative and rigorous, new evaluation, scientists identified a small handful of nutrients that appear to be integral for optimal brain power. They began by selecting 32 nutrients common to the Mediterranean Diet because of this diet’s strong association in past studies with less dementia risk. Then they measured levels of these nutrients […]

In a heart warming study that provided more stunning evidence for the profound influence a healthy lifestyle can have on cardiac risk, Harvard researchers identified 4 factors we can count on to keep our tickers ticking. In this evaluation, scientist followed a whopping 81,722 women over a 26 year period of time. Study subjects who […]

In a powerful study that tracked the dietary habits of over 200,000 US adults for up to 26 years, apples and blueberries popped off the page as being supreme foods for type 2 diabetes protection. Relative to the lightest blueberry eaters, blueberry lovers (two or more servings a week) were 23 percent less likely to […]

Eating berries regularly may be one of the easiest and tastiest ways to protect our precious brains. Past studies have already shown that berries exhibit show-stopping antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power – 2 profoundly beneficial factors for brain health. Thanks to a study from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, scientists identified yet another way berries may play a starring […]

Over the past decade, fiber has garnered a well-deserved sparkling track record for guarding health. To drive sales, the food industry has pounced on the opportunity to exploit fiber’s glowing reputation by adding processed, chemically-extracted fiber, commonly inulin, to the full gamut of processed foods—including cereals, protein bars, yogurt, bread, ice cream, amongst many others. […]

In a first of its kind evaluation, scientists have determined that resistance exercise, like lifting weights, may offer profound health benefits, particularly for the heart. For this evaluation, researchers closely followed the exercise habits and health status of 13,000 adults as part of the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study. Study subjects who lifted weights using either […]