Looking for a sweet way to take a big bite out of your risk for cardiovascular disease? Go eat some fruit! In an evaluation that included over 450,000 Chinese adults followed over a seven-year period, those consuming fruit regularly enjoyed a significant reduction in the risk for heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure. Study […]
Apples are a true wonder food. Research has shown that this delicious fruit can lower cholesterol, improve blood sugar regulation, reduce cancer risk, reduce asthma risk, aid in weight control, protect vision, and improve gastrointestinal health. Apple and Goat Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast Serves 4 I find this recipe divine! Ingredients 2 tbsp. EVOO, divided […]
Be sure these foods make their way into your grocery cart often! A variety of fruit – especially berries, apples, red grapes, cherries, oranges, and plums A variety of vegetables – especially dark leafy greens, red onions, tomatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and red/orange/yellow bell peppers Extra virgin olive oil Herbs and spices – especially ginger, […]
What we eat and how we sleep are linked. That was the conclusion from a study evaluating diet and insomnia status in a large group of post-menopausal women. For this study 53,069 women kept food diaries and reported their sleep status at baseline and at the end of three years. The results? Women who consumed […]
This refreshing fruit is at its yearly prime and thankfully is bursting with nutritional prowess. Along with a concentrated dose of immune-boosting vitamin C, oranges provide a generous offering of folate, fiber, potassium, calcium and vitamin A. This nutrient profile sings heart-health, but oranges stellar package of cancer-fighting phytochemicals is even sweeter music for your health. Enjoy […]
The diminutive, yet all-powerful blueberry is a true work horse in terms of fortifying wellness and a new report gives us yet another reason to include them regularly in our diets – maintaining an abundance of healthy bacteria in our colons. There has been a recent explosion of research highlighting that the types and amounts […]
In a review of 11 published studies including 247,510 adults, researchers concluded that consuming potassium rich foods was associated with significant stroke prevention. People who consumed 1.64 grams or more of potassium a day (equivalent to 5 servings of fruits and veggies) were 21 percent less likely to have a stroke than those getting the […]
I always include 1 cup (that’s 2 servings) of fruit at breakfast. Most often, frozen berries or frozen berries with banana, kiwi, pear, or apple. I always include 1 ½ cups of veggies at lunch (that’s about 2 – 2 ½ servings). I most often have a combination of leftover dinner veggies and a fresh […]
If you enjoy eating strawberries, your heart and arteries should be thanking you. In a first-of-its-kind published study, investigators monitored how eating a large daily dose of strawberries affected the key blood lipid markers – total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglycerides. For this study, the researchers had 23 healthy volunteers consume 500 grams of […]
Dutch scientists have given us yet another reason to enjoy an apple (or a pear) a day. In a study that followed over 20,000 adults for a 10-year period, those who consumed the most “white-fleshed” fruits and veggies were 52 percent less likely to have a stroke vs. those consuming the least. The specific fruits […]
Over the past decade, fiber has garnered a well-deserved sparkling track record for guarding health. To drive sales, the food industry has pounced on the opportunity to exploit fiber’s glowing reputation by adding processed, chemically-extracted fiber, commonly inulin, to the full gamut of processed foods—including cereals, protein bars, yogurt, bread, ice cream, amongst many others. […]
Always include fresh fruit at your breakfast – make this a compulsive act. Frozen berries are especially healthy and easy at breakfast. Always include a piece of fresh fruit as your afternoon snack or as part of your snack. Eat a big colorful salad as part of a meal or as a meal entrée every […]