Including a bowl of cereal for breakfast is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to tap into the health-boosting power of whole grains. Eating whole grain cereal may be especially valuable for reducing the risk of high blood pressure. After following over 13,000 male physicians for 16 plus years, scientists found that men […]
A healthy HDL level (>50) is associated with less risk of heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s and colon cancer. Follow these simple strategies to raise your HDL (good) cholesterol level. (Mine is 93!) Lose weight, if overweight. Engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (brisk walking) most days of the week. (Talk to […]
Inflammation is now widely recognized as a primary driver for most all chronic diseases and it appears that losing even modest amounts of weight can effectively douse the damaging inferno of excess inflammation in the body. For this one year evaluation, 438 women were placed on a weight loss program through diet or diet and exercise. […]
I already consider regular fish consumption a “brainy” health habit, and I am happy to share a study that lends even more support to the wise selection of fish as one of the smartest protein choices you could make. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh sought to compare brain size as measured by MRI relative to […]
If you want to reduce your risk of strokes, shunning soda, both regular and diet, appears to be a wise move. In the first large study to evaluate the relationship between soda consumption and stroke risk, researchers determined that relative to study subjects that did not drink soda, those consuming a single serving of regular or diet […]
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of adult blindness, and eating fish may offer a big catch for prevention. According to the powerful, Harvard-based Women’s Health Study, women who consumed one or more servings of fish weekly were 42 percent less likely to develop AMD versus those eating fish once or less a […]
If you enjoy your yogurt like I do, you will be pleased to know that in addition to getting a nice dose of several critical nutrients like calcium, zinc, potassium, B vitamins and those awesome beneficial bacteria (probiotics) – yogurt may help lower your risk of high blood pressure. In a study that followed the […]
If you want to burn more fat during your morning workout, do it before your breakfast. Exercise physiologists wanted to see how a morning workout affected food intake and fat burning. To evaluate, they had 12 fit males exercise on a treadmill at 10 AM either before or after eating breakfast. Following the exercise, all […]
Fish may be so valuable for brain health that even a single serving a week may provide profound benefits. In a stunning report presented at a scientific meeting, researchers noted that elderly study subjects who reported eating baked or broiled fish (not fried!) one to four times a week had significantly bigger brains, and were […]
Sitting down for family meals proves to be a powerful avenue to boost kids’ fruit and vegetable intake. In a study involving over 2000 school-age children, even those sitting down for family meals just once or twice a week consumed significantly more produce than those who never ate together. Relative to children who rarely […]
Olive oil has a well-deserved scientific reputation as a stellar food for chronic disease prevention and, thanks to a powerful study, its life-preserving credentials just are even bigger. The study followed the dietary habits of over 40,000 Spanish adults and found that those consuming the most olive oil were significantly less likely to die vs. those […]
Metabolism is the process by which your body uses fuel provided by foods you eat to produce energy at the cellular level. Of all the things you could do to ensure a healthy, robust metabolism – nothing is more effective than regular physical activity. The reason is simple – exercise can enhance metabolism through four […]