Dr. Ann

With the exception of occasional, modest use in diabetics, I do not use nor do I recommend artificial sweeteners.  Even though they will not elevate blood glucose or fructose levels like “real” sweeteners, they may indeed have other untoward effects in the body.   Although science supports their safety and lack of toxicity  (exception saccharin and […]

Thankfully great news on exercise is always forthcoming and here are three notable headlines: An analysis involving a total of 218,000 study subjects found that regular physical activity can stifle the effects of the powerful FTO gene. The FTO gene is one of the most common and well-documented genetic markers for obesity risk. (Another remarkable […]

Some breakfast cereals contain more than 50% added sugar by weight! Don’t let the one gracing your cereal bowl be one of those! Based on a review by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit research and advocacy organization, the 10 cereals with the highest sugar content (by percentage weight) are: Kellogg’s Honey Smacks (55.6%) Post […]

Dutch scientists have given us yet another reason to enjoy an apple (or a pear) a day. In a study that followed over 20,000 adults for a 10-year period, those who consumed the most “white-fleshed” fruits and veggies were 52 percent less likely to have a stroke vs. those consuming the least. The specific fruits […]

I am fascinated by the science of appetite control (because I know it is the holy grail for weight control), and this study really grabbed my attention. In this investigation, Yale scientists learned that when our brains detect a drop in blood glucose (glucose is the only source of fuel for brain cells), several distinct […]

According to an assessment of America’s eating habits, consuming more potassium is something we definitely need to improve upon. (Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2011) This all-important essential mineral plays a fundamental role in nerve and muscle function, ph balance, and can counter the adverse effects of eating too much sodium. The typical American diet contains […]

There is now overwhelming evidence that diet has a profound influence on the risk of colon cancer and eating the right foods appears to be a simple way to safeguard your colon health. According to California researchers, brown rice, legumes, green vegetables, and dried fruit should regularly make their way onto your plate if you […]

In a heart warming study that provided more stunning evidence for the profound influence a healthy lifestyle can have on cardiac risk, Harvard researchers identified 4 factors we can count on to keep our tickers ticking. In this evaluation, scientist followed a whopping 81,722 women over a 26 year period of time. Study subjects who […]

According to a report in Gastroenterology (July 09), Celiac Disease is 4 times more common in the US than it was during the 1950’s. The disease results from an intolerance to the protein gluten, found in wheat, barley, and rye. When celiac patients consume gluten, they suffer an inflammatory reaction within the small intestine that can lead to a […]

This diminutive legume is surprisingly powerful on the nutrition front.  It is home to a full package of minerals, a big dose of hunger-fighting fiber and protein, and scores of vitamins. Scientists have learned that green peas also contain a unique assortment of powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that show great promise for general health […]

If you want to add years to your life and life to your years, be sure to be physically active in your 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. We already have a mountain of irrefutable science that high fitness levels reduce the risk of premature death, but scientists had never examined how fitness in mid-life may impact […]

A “family’s influence” on a child’s nutrition is profound. In a report that included combined data from 17 earlier studies, researchers concluded that children and teens that ate 3 or more meals a week as a family were significantly less likely to be overweight and 20 to 25 percent less likely to eat junk foods and […]