Dr. Ann

I consider wild salmon the healthiest protein on the planet and thankfully this megastar superfood is always conveniently available right from the can. Salmon is a fantastic source of B vitamins, magnesium, and selenium, but is most prized for its rich supply of omega 3 fats and vitamin D. In fact, salmon is one of just a very small handful of foods that naturally contains […]

A growing body of science is implicating sleep deprivation as a key, “non-food” environmental factor in the current obesity epidemic.  The less we sleep, the more we eat and the more visceral fat (the deadly type) we accumulate.  In a study conducted with 12 healthy young men, French researchers found that when study subjects got […]

Learn to jack up the healthfulness and flavor of your meals using these quick and easy techniques! Here are 10 simple ways to dramatically boost the nutrition and flavor of your dishes in less than 10 seconds. 1.  Add 1-2 TBS of toasted wheat germ or shelled hemp seeds (hemp kernels) to your morning cereal, oatmeal, […]

Not all salads require lettuce. Here is a great recipe for one of my favorite No-Lettuce Salads: Ingredients Serves 4 to 6 -1 red bell pepper, chopped -1 yellow bell pepper, chopped -1 seeded, peeled cucumber, chopped -10 baby carrots, diced -1 avocado, diced -½ to ¾ cup crumbled feta cheese -EVOO (Extra virgin olive oil) […]

To take full advantage of broccoli’s powerful cancer-fighting compound, sulforaphane, eat it raw, lightly cooked (steam 2-4 minutes), or pair it with some mustard, arugula, radishes, brocco-sprouts or wasabi. All of these simple strategies boost the formation and absorption of the “active” form of sulforaphane. It only takes 3-5 weekly servings of broccoli to reap […]

The super potent antioxidant found in freshly brewed tea, EGCG, scored another scientific victory, this time on the brain-boosting front. In a series of lab experiments, scientists found that EGCG stimulated the growth of new brain cells and improved learning and memory in lab mice. Past studies in humans have shown a relationship between regular […]

The following are the foods to either indulge in or stay away from if you want to keep your eyes healthy. ENJOY: • As many fruits and veggies as possible—aim for 7 or more combined servings a day. • Extra virgin olive oil as your oil of choice • Regular consumption of oily fish—salmon, tuna, […]

Here are the “facts on organic” based on the best science to date. I imagine that many of you ask yourselves the same question. What follows are the “facts on organics,” and I hope you find them helpful in making an informed decision that will best serve you and your family. Here are the facts […]

Grilling is fun, easy, and tasty, but it may be hazardous to your health. Grilled meat, especially red meat, is a well-known source of 2 cancer-causing agents, namely heterocyclic amines (HCA’s) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s). HCA’s develop when the muscle proteins of meats are exposed to high heat. PAH’s form in the black, charred outer portions […]

If you are looking for a healthier and more wholesome way to replenish your energy during exercise, you may want to go with the classic snack, peanut butter’s best friend, banana. Sounds like a smart snack to me! Exercise scientists at Appalachian State University’s Human Performance Lab compared eating bananas to drinking a sports beverage as a […]

Taking in any amount of trans fats. Science knows no safe level of intake for this truly “toxic” form of fat. Strictly avoid all processed foods that list “partially hydrogenated oil” in their ingredients list. Eating “ultra-palatable” foods with any regularity. Foods high in fat and/or sugar and salt can directly stimulate the brain’s pleasure […]

In a fascinating report that sought to investigate how various natural fats affect satiety (the feeling of fullness) – olive oil came out on top. For three months researchers had study subjects supplement their normal daily diets with 500 grams of low-fat yogurt spiked with one of four fats – lard, butterfat, rapeseed oil or olive oil. […]