Dr. Ann

Serves 6 Kale is the healthiest food on the planet. This is a simple recipe that is great for those who want easy cooked greens that are tasty too. Ingredients 2 lbs. kale stems removed and chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 tbsp. EVOO ¼ cup water Directions Heat EVOO in skillet over medium- high […]

Maintaining normal metabolic function is at the bedrock for staying healthy and feeling great. Here is the complete list of directives for maintaining, improving or normalizing your metabolic health: Keep your weight in a healthy range (especially belly size) or lose weight if overweight. Exercise most days – a combination of aerobic (brisk walking) and […]

A healthy HDL level (>50) is associated with less risk of heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s and colon cancer. Follow these simple strategies to raise your HDL (good) cholesterol level. (Mine is 93!) Lose weight, if overweight. Engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (brisk walking) most days of the week. (Talk to […]

Fiber’s reputation as a nutritional hero continues growing. In fact, fiber may be the real fountain of youth. That was the upshot of an Australian study that followed the diets and health statuses of over 1,600 adults for a ten-year period. At the beginning of the study all of the study subjects were age 49 or older and […]

Inflammation is now widely recognized as a primary driver for most all chronic diseases and it appears that losing even modest amounts of weight can effectively douse the damaging inferno of excess inflammation in the body. For this one year evaluation, 438 women were placed on a weight loss program through diet or diet and exercise. […]

October 25, 2020 • Brain Health

Why Fish Is Brain Food

I already consider regular fish consumption a “brainy” health habit, and I am happy to share a study that lends even more support to the wise selection of fish as one of the smartest protein choices you could make. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh sought to compare brain size as measured by MRI relative to […]

Eating healthy, even if you are obese, offers life-saving benefits while eating poorly, even if you are lean, can be deadly. That was the sobering conclusion of a new study from Sweden. For this study, scientists monitored the diet quality and weight of 79,023 Swedish adults whose diet quality and body weights were monitored over […]

If you want to reduce your risk of strokes, shunning soda, both regular and diet, appears to be a wise move. In the first large study to evaluate the relationship between soda consumption and stroke risk, researchers determined that relative to study subjects that did not drink soda, those consuming a single serving of regular or diet […]

In what was arguably the most resounding scientific affirmation of the phenomenal power of healthy living to keep chronic disease largely under wraps, researchers reporting in the Archives of Internal Medicine (August 09) found that adhering to 4 lifestyle practices slashes the risk of developing our biggest killers. Based on this powerful study, people who… avoid […]

There is perhaps no other food that has received more spin than soy!  Here are the facts based on my understanding of the science: Whole soy foods have an exemplary nutritional profile, i.e. they are very, very nutritious. o       Provide high quality, (“complete”) inexpensive vegetable protein that is naturally low in saturated fat and cholesterol-free. […]

Whole grains have already reached blockbuster status as foods that provide broad-spectrum disease protection and a powerful study adds to many others touting this wholesome food group as a powerful defense against type 2 diabetes. In a study that followed the diets of over 5,000 adults over an 8-10 year period, those consuming the most […]

Regardless of how much you exercise, your body weight, or health status, prolonged sitting appears to dramatically boost the risk of dying. This is the riveting conclusion from a landmark report, and everybody needs to take heed. This study is part of the largest ongoing evaluation of healthy aging in the southern hemisphere and included […]