Dr. Ann

I do not recommend meal replacement bars because I prefer that you obtain your nutrients and calories from REAL foods. Meal replacement bars are a “classic” factory-made, processed food and many contain the amount of sugar you would get from a dessert. In fact, the best way to think of them is a cookie amped […]

Savory, yet sweet, naturally low in calories, yet filling because of their super-high fiber content – sweet potatoes are a nutritional treasure. This under-appreciated super-affordable tuber is an unsurpassed food source of immune-boosting, heart-happy beta-carotene (1 provides 250% of your daily value!) that comes along with 8 other essential nutrients. And despite their starchy texture […]

  Past studies have linked low levels of vitamin D with depression, and this evaluation adds to the growing pile of evidence that adequate levels of vitamin D are fundamental to good mental health. This evaluation included over 7,000 British subjects and found those with vitamin D levels in the normal range had a 43% lower […]

Fuel for Life Breakfast Muffins Serves 12 These hearty and tasty breakfast muffins will fuel your body, mind, and soul. Ingredients 1 cup whole wheat flour 2/3’s cup old-fashioned oats 1 ½ tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice 1 tsp. salt 2 omega 3 eggs 2 ripe bananas, mashed ¼ cup […]

No bones about it – dried plums (prunes) have emerged as an exceptional food for bone health. Researchers have reported that dried plums contain compounds that act as powerful suppressors of bone resorption. Bone resorption occurs as we age and contributes to osteoporosis. The lead scientist has tested numerous fruits over his career and reports that none […]

Genetic influences on obesity are a well-documented reality, but thanks to an encouraging study, we have further evidence that our behaviors have tremendous influence on whether or not obesity genes will do their dirty work. In this Harvard based study that included over 12,000 adults, researchers determined that taking a brisk walk for an hour […]

MIRACLE BEANS Aim for 1 serving (1/2 cup) or more daily from any of the 24 varieties available. A great source of low-fat vegetable protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, potassium, magnesium and phytochemicals. Because of their high fiber and protein content, beans are fantastic for appetite control. They effectively “fill you up” and don’t elevate […]

Mounting evidence has shown that prolonged sitting is a massive driver of chronic disease risk. In a study that included over 63,000 adult males – those who sat for more than four hours a day were much more likely to have diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or high blood pressure than those who sat less than four hours […]

This ancient “whole grain” was revered by the Inca’s and is arguably the healthiest of all whole grains (technically it is a seed, but we call it a whole grain because of its taste and texture).  It is a fantastic source of a full package of health – building minerals, is high in protein, including […]

The diminutive, yet all-powerful blueberry is a true work horse in terms of fortifying wellness and a new report gives us yet another reason to include them regularly in our diets – maintaining an abundance of healthy bacteria in our colons. There has been a recent explosion of research highlighting that the types and amounts […]

In an uplifting evaluation that proves the right foods can triumph over bad genes Spanish researchers found that the potent antioxidant phenol compounds in extra virgin olive oil stifle the activity of several genes that promote inflammation. They fed 20 study subjects controlled breakfasts on different occasions. Some were fed a breakfast enriched with high […]

An eye-popping report just shed some powerful and compelling light on how quickly physical inactivity can harm the body, and I want you and everyone you love to know about it. Researchers had a group of healthy moderately active young adults reduce their daily physical activity by 50% and carefully monitored their blood sugar (glucose) […]