Dr. Ann

Regardless of how much you exercise, your body weight, or health status, prolonged sitting appears to dramatically boost the risk of dying. This is the riveting conclusion from a landmark report, and everybody needs to take heed. This study is part of the largest ongoing evaluation of healthy aging in the southern hemisphere and included […]

I am totally bullish on regularly drinking freshly brewed tea as a quick, easy, and highly effective means of delivering a hefty dose of healthful antioxidants to your cells. Thanks to a report from Food Research International (Sept 09), there is a simple and tasty way to turbo charge the process – add some vitamin […]

Because life happens for me too – sometimes fast food is my only option. Here is how I handle this precarious situation. If I am really pressed for time, my first choice is Subway. Fortunately, Subways are everywhere and now outnumber any other fast food chain. Here is exactly what I order: Turkey and Provolone […]

Over the past decade, there has been a flood of studies supporting the supreme importance of optimal sleep for weight control. It appears that inadequate sleep can lead to weight gain through a host of separate mechanisms that affect both the energy intake and the energy expenditure side of the body weight equation. In summery of […]

If you want to burn more fat during your morning workout, do it before your breakfast. Exercise physiologists wanted to see how a morning workout affected food intake and fat burning. To evaluate, they had 12 fit males exercise on a treadmill at 10 AM either before or after eating breakfast. Following the exercise, all […]

One of the most delicious, easiest and effective ways to ensure that you get the recommended 5 or more servings of veggies a day is to eat lots of salads. Here is how to get the most nutritional bang for your efforts: Well stocked salad bars offer a quick and convenient opportunity to tap into the […]

Washed, bagged or boxed lettuce greens Fresh salsa (Jack’s brand or Garden Fresh Gourmet) Canned beans Frozen berries (especially large bags of wild organic blueberries – available from wholesale grocers like Costco) Plain low fat or non-fat Greek yogurt Canned pumpkin Canned red sockeye salmon Prepared hummus Canned tomato products Dried Apricots Here is one […]

Olive oil has a well-deserved scientific reputation as a stellar food for chronic disease prevention and, thanks to a powerful study, its life-preserving credentials just are even bigger. The study followed the dietary habits of over 40,000 Spanish adults and found that those consuming the most olive oil were significantly less likely to die vs. those […]

Strawberries are visually stunning, scrumptious to eat, and exploding with health-boosting prowess. One cup of strawberries provides over 100% of a day’s requirement for vitamin C along with 12 other essential nutrients. But what really launches this beauty queen of fruit up into the realm of superfood stardom is her antioxidant power. In one recent […]

Although it contains “sugar,” molasses also provides an impressive array of “healthy” goodies that give it a huge nutritional edge over other sweeteners. This bold and robust natural sweetener is chock full of health-boosting antioxidants and minerals. A single tablespoon provides over 35% of the daily value for manganese and copper and about 20% of […]

Want an easy way to lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and premature death? Stand up. In a powerful new review study that loudly echoes what previous studies have shown – simply taking a stand may be one of the most life-changing and life-saving of all simple maneuvers. This new analysis, which combined […]

Soluble fiber is great for you! This indigestible form of plant carbohydrate has many health benefits including: lowering cholesterol, stabilizing insulin and glucose levels, promoting satiety, and protecting against belly fat accumulation. Here are the foods that provide the most soluble fiber: Beans (any variety) Peas Barley Flax seeds Chia seeds Oats Oat bran Avocado Carrots […]