Sleep is paramount for health and weight control. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to prevent sleep deprivation from putting a damper on your health and your diet. Here’s what I suggest: -Strive to get at least seven hours of restful sleep a night. Some people do even better with eight. -Make the room […]
The New Year offers a sensational opportunity to harness the unrivaled goodness and power of healthy living. Here are 10 easy, delicious and totally-doable New Year’s resolutions that come with a science-backed guarantee to guard and improve your health and vitality. Enjoy a handful (about 1 ounce) of any variety of nuts (raw or roasted) […]
Weight loss plateaus are a predictable reality for people that lose a significant amount of weight. No matter what type of weight-reduction plan people embark on, usually at around six months, weight loss seems to stall. Weight loss plateaus result from physiologic changes that take place in the body naturally as a part of […]
Over the past decade, there has been a flood of studies supporting the supreme importance of optimal sleep for weight control. It appears that inadequate sleep can lead to weight gain through a host of separate mechanisms that affect both the energy intake and the energy expenditure side of the body weight equation. In summery of […]
Want to defend your body against the ravages of stress and at the same time slow down your aging? Then get healthy! In a totally uplifting and encouraging report, scientists found that adhering to the “three pillars” of healthy living staying physically active getting adequate sleep, and eating right was a powerful antidote at the […]
When it comes to the risk of dementia, it appears your thoughts matter. That was the eye-opening conclusion of a provocative new study published in the journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia. For this study scientists carefully measured the cognitive function of 292 middle-age to older study subjects over a four-year period. The cognitive assessments included measures of memory, […]
What we eat and how we sleep are linked. That was the conclusion from a study evaluating diet and insomnia status in a large group of post-menopausal women. For this study 53,069 women kept food diaries and reported their sleep status at baseline and at the end of three years. The results? Women who consumed […]
If you want to improve your sleep – get moving! In a poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation – the results were compelling – exercise is fantastic for sleep. Highlights from this evaluation included the following: 75% of the exercisers reported very good or fairly good sleep quality vs. 56% in non-exercisers. Vigorous exercisers […]
Want to dramatically improve the quality of your sleep and boost your daytime effectiveness? Get up and move! A wonderful report that carefully and accurately measured the study subject’s daily physical activity found a striking relationship between physical activity levels and sound, effective sleep. Specifically, those who engaged in 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous […]
Although poor sleep can impact cancer risk through a number of obvious mechanisms, scientists speculate that its drain on the immune system (your body’s anti-cancer and anti-infection system) is likely the most significant factor. A stunning (headline news) report from the January issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine hammered home how essential sleep […]
If you want to improve your shut-eye and brighten your spirits, losing a little weight may do the trick. In an uplifting report, researchers found that losing as little as 5% of existing body weight was enough to improve sleep quality and mood in overweight study subjects. For the study, scientists assigned 390 obese adults […]
Good sleep is known to be integral to healthy immune function. And according to an eye-opening study, poor sleep may dramatically boost your risk for catching a cold. For this study, investigators carefully monitored the sleep patterns of 164 healthy adults ages 18 to 55 for one week. For the second week, all study subjects were […]