Dr. Ann

The delectable Mediterranean Diet, characterized as rich in fruits, veggies, legumes, fish, and olive oil and low in red meat, sugar, and refined carbs has been strongly tied to lower rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, dementia, obesity, and depression. It is a proven winner for health and taste. Here are two […]

Simply taking a brisk 30-40 minute walk most days offers the following stunning rewards: A 35% reduction in the risk of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. A 30 – 50% reduction in the risk of premature death. A 35% reduction in the risk of heart attacks and strokes. A 30% reduction in arthritic knee pain. Relief […]

They may be the most diminutive of all fruits, but berries’ health-boosting, anti-aging credentials are astounding! Past studies have shown that berries’ potent one-two punch of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power is especially protective for an aging brain. Scientists have identified yet another berry brain benefit. Reporting at the American Chemical Society Meeting, scientists determined that […]

Today I want to share something specifically for women, as well as something specifically for men, namely the best foods for breast health and the best foods for prostate health. Both breast cancer and prostate cancer risk are significantly impacted by the foods we eat, so it goes without saying that this is information you […]

Today I want to share the best foods for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels or lowering a high cholesterol level. Over half of Americans have elevated cholesterol levels so please make note of these foods – many of which are simply scrumptious. Nuts – any variety Seeds – any variety, especially flax and chia seeds Beans, […]

The best foods for breast health and prostate health are in! I want to share something specifically for women, as well as something specifically for men: namely the best foods for breast health and the best foods for prostate health. Both breast cancer and prostate cancer risk are significantly impacted by the foods we eat, […]

Canned foods are in every American home, but are they all good for us? Although canned goods offer convenience and value, with a few notable exceptions, they are nutritionally inferior to their “fresh” or “frozen” counterparts.  Because of the high temperatures used in the canning process, heat-sensitive nutrients like vitamin C and B vitamins can […]

Olive is oil delicious and can keep you from developing a disease that devastates so many every year. Reach for olive oil to lower your cancer risk. In a review study that included the results of 45 previously published studies, scientists observed a significant protective effect of consuming olive oil for several types of cancer. […]

Are you a java lover? If you love your morning cup of coffee, you’ll love this news. Coffee is on a roll with yet another powerful study extolling its health virtues. The results of the largest study to date examining the relationship between drinking coffee and heart disease, as well as the risk of death, […]

Did you know eating more fiber can help protect from dementia? That’s right–you can eat to avoid dementia. More fiber, less dementia! This was the encouraging conclusion of a new study measuring fiber intake and dementia status.  For the study, scientists followed the fiber intake and dementia status of 3,739 adults aged 40-64 for a […]

Americans love to eat at restaurants, but should you be eating out for most of your meals? Today I want to share a bit on the perils of dining out. Over the past few decades, the most dramatic shift in our dietary habits has been the replacement of home-cooked meals with foods prepared by restaurants, […]

Change what you eat for better microbiome health. You can make simple diet changes, like eating less red meat and processed foods, to lower inflammation. Processed foods and red meat drive a pro-inflammatory gut microbiome. That was the conclusion of a powerful study that monitored the diets, as well as the gut microbes, of 1,425 study subjects […]