Dr. Ann

Healthy Eating & Nutrition

Recipe: Incredibly Tasty Black Bean Burgers

I worked for a few months tweaking this recipe until I nailed it. This wholesome bean-based burger is everything you are looking for – delicious, filling, super-healthy and easy to make.

Healthy Eating & Nutrition, Healthy Living

Fermented Foods Score a Huge Win

This is really big! In an elegantly conducted clinical trial by one of the world’s most esteemed microbiome scientists we find that stepping up the intake of fermented foods is a quick and effective way to boost gut microbial diversity AND decrease damaging inflammation—even more so than stepping up your intake of fiber-rich plant foods! […]

Foods Highest In Flavonoids, Flavones, & Anthocyanins

These remarkable compounds have been linked to powerful health protection and are especially known for their anti-inflammatory and gut microbiome-enhancing properties. Flavonoids Dark Leafy Greens Onions Apples Berries Cherries Dark Chocolate Soybeans Coffee Red Wine Freshly Brewed Green and Black Tea Citrus Fruits  Flavones Parsley – fresh best Apples – organic best; eat the skin […]

Zoom to Health Testimonials

Hear from real-life students who have benefitted from committing to my yearlong program! Be sure you’re on the waitlist to be the first to receive ALL the details about Zoom to Health C’2025. CLICK HERE TO BE SURE YOU’RE ON THE WAITLIST.

I just wanted to take the time to remind everybody that there are simple steps that can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer. Based on the most authoritative and comprehensive science available, here is what you should do. (NOTE: The first 4 directives are in order of importance!) Do not smoke or use any tobacco […]

One of the most spectacular scientific advancements of the past 2 decades has been the realization that we have enormous personal power and control over whether or not we will develop chronic disease.  Thankfully, cancer is no exception to this awesome biological reality. Based on the latest evidence, about 60% of all cancers could be […]

Nuts and seeds are also great foods for lowering cholesterol. Check out my list: “Top 10 Foods for Lowering Cholesterol” Over HALF of Americans have elevated cholesterol levels so please make note of these foods – most of which are scrumptious!   Thank you so much for reading and  feeding your hunger for health because I know […]

I cannot stress enough how important it is to be certain that you are regularly consuming this crucially important fat.  The foods that provide omega-3 fats include seafood (particularly oily fish), walnuts, whole soy foods, canola oil, omega-3 fortified eggs, flax, chia, and hemp seeds, wheat germ, and dark leafy greens.  

October 25, 2023 • Events/ Retreats

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Those eating more ultra-processed foods are more likely to become depressed. That was the conclusion from a study that followed the diets and health status of over 31,000 formerly healthy US women over an average period of 14 years.  After adjusting for various confounding factors including age, exercise, and income, women who consumed the most […]

Want to improve your weight control? Get in your exercise during the morning hours.  In a study that followed the movement of 5,285 US adults using accelerometers worn on the hip, scientists noted clear associations between the timing of exercise and body weight.  Specifically, in subjects who exercised between the hours of 7 am and […]

A healthy lifestyle offers enormous protection against depression. That was the uplifting conclusion of a powerful new study from scientists at Cambridge University.  What’s more, there are seven specific lifestyle habits that we can leverage to mitigate our chances of depression.  For this study scientists analyzed the genes, the lifestyles, the brain structure, and the […]

In a promising new study, scientists found that just six minutes of high intensity exercise can dramatically boost the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), better known as “miracle grow” for the brain. BDNF is a growth factor known to promote the formation of new brain cells and new brain cell connections, as well as […]

Getting your intake of omega 6 oils down to a healthy level is simple. Simply abide by the following: Get the Omega 3 Fats In! – Plan of Action   

September 18, 2023 • E-Courses

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