I just wanted to take the time to remind everybody that there are simple steps that can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer. Based on the most authoritative and comprehensive science available, here is what you should do. (NOTE: The first 4 directives are in order of importance!) Do not smoke or use any tobacco […]
Today I want to share a list of foods that are prized for their potential anti-cancer effects. Specifically foods or foods high in specific compounds that have been shown at least in the petri dish or test tube to thwart or stop the growth of cancer cells. I like to think of these special foods […]
Simply taking a brisk 30-40 minute walk most days offers the following stunning rewards: A 35% reduction in the risk of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. A 30 – 50% reduction in the risk of premature death. A 35% reduction in the risk of heart attacks and strokes. A 30% reduction in arthritic knee pain. Relief […]
Olive is oil delicious and can keep you from developing a disease that devastates so many every year. Reach for olive oil to lower your cancer risk. In a review study that included the results of 45 previously published studies, scientists observed a significant protective effect of consuming olive oil for several types of cancer. […]
When it comes to nutritional value and eating for better health, sweet potatoes trounce white potatoes. Whether your goals are improved weight control, heart health, cancer protection, or anti-aging, sweet potatoes are a far superior tuber. Here are 5 great reasons to choose sweet potatoes over white potatoes. Sweet potatoes have a much lower glycemic response—meaning they […]
Broccoli can already claim superstar status for cardiovascular and cancer protection, and thanks to an exciting study, fighting arthritis may be added to its disease-busting credentials. In a series of three separate lab experiments, researchers from the University of East Anglia were able to show that sulforaphane, a compound in broccoli, blocks the destructive inflammation […]
We have known for a long time that regular aerobic exercise lowers the risk of breast cancer and now we have some wonderful science that shed some powerful light on how regular physical activity benefits breast health. For this study, researchers assigned 391 healthy, but sedentary pre-menopausal women to one of two groups. One group engaged in […]
To fully leverage all of the glorious goodness in your vegetables – be sure to eat them along with some form of healthy fat. Fat improves their flavor and texture, but most importantly serves as a vehicle for transporting their fat soluble phytochemicals called carotenoids, from the digestive track into the bloodstream. Carotenoids are one of the most revered […]
If you want an easy way to cut your risk of type 2 diabetes, go for more orange and green veggies! In a study that followed the dietary habits of over 37,000 Europeans for a ten-year period, those consuming the most carotenoids, specifically alpha and beta-carotene, cut their risk of type 2 diabetes up to 22 […]
In a report that constitutes one of the most thorough review of alcohol and cancer-related deaths in the U.S. over the past 30 years – scientists made some eye-popping conclusions that everyone needs to be aware of. Here are the highlights: Alcohol use is one of the leading causes of preventable cancer deaths. Alcohol is […]
Thanks to Vanderbilt researchers, the sparkling reputation of green tea is shining even brighter. In a study that included 75,000 middle-aged and older Chinese women, consuming green tea was associated with significant cancer protection. Those who reported regular green tea consumption (defined as at least 3 times a week) for at least 20 years were […]
To fully leverage all the glorious goodness in your vegetables – be sure to eat them along with some form of healthy fat. Fat improves their flavor and mouthfeel, but most importantly serves as a vehicle for transporting their fat-soluble phytochemicals called carotenoids, from the digestive tract into the bloodstream. Carotenoids are one of the […]