Dr. Ann

Here are 6 great reasons to include edamame, green immature soybeans, in your diet regularly. Unlike most commercially grown soybeans, edamame are not genetically modified. They are one of the very rare forms of plant-based proteins that contain all of the essential amino acids. They are more readily digestible than varieties used for making dried […]

If you enjoy eating strawberries, your heart and arteries should be thanking you. In a first-of-its-kind published study, investigators monitored how eating a large daily dose of strawberries affected the key blood lipid markers – total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglycerides. For this study, the researchers had 23 healthy volunteers consume 500 grams of […]

I consider fiber a secret weapon on the disease-fighting front and this provocative study reminds us to load up early and often for optimal heart health. In the study, scientists demonstrated that a high fiber diet in early-to-mid adult life was associated with a significantly lower lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease. The lead investigator described […]

Reduce Your Intake of the Great White Hazards. This includes the refined, high glycemic carbs – white flour products, white rice, white potatoes, and sugars/sweets. Increase Your Levels of Physical Activity.  Strive for at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily, but more is even better. Additionally, avoid prolonged sitting. Increase Your […]

Roasting is arguably the easiest and tastiest way to prepare your veggies. It preserves their nutrients while concentrating their natural sugars and flavors, which makes them particularly yummy to even the pickiest palates.   Watch the video here! Roasting also shrinks them in size (because it removes their water), making it easier to consume more […]

If you love your pasta and are looking for one that you can indulge in, enjoy and feel great about, I am delighted to tell you about Explore Asian brand Organic Black Bean Pasta. Believe it or not, this delicious pasta is made exclusively from organic black beans and water with no additional ingredients. A single serving […]

Over the past decade, fiber has garnered a well-deserved sparkling track record for guarding health. To drive sales, the food industry has pounced on the opportunity to exploit fiber’s glowing reputation by adding processed, chemically-extracted fiber, commonly inulin, to the full gamut of processed foods—including cereals, protein bars, yogurt, bread, ice cream, amongst many others. […]

Apples are a standout food for health protection and we can thank their peels for most of their disease-busting prowess. Apple peels are rich in insoluble fiber that aids in appetite control and feeds the good bacteria in our colons. But what really sets the peel apart from its fleshy component is its stunning array […]

Low fiber diets have a rapid and dramatic, adverse effect on both the microbiome and the lining of the GI tract. That was the eye-opening conclusion from a series of lab studies designed to carefully monitor how a fiber-deficient diet affects the ecosystem of beneficial gut bacteria as well as the mucous lining of the colon. […]

Appetite control is the Holy Grail for weight control and beans prove to be a winning food for keeping hunger at bay. In a systematic review of all available clinical trials, scientists concluded that people felt about 31% fuller after eating an average of 160 grams of beans (a bit more than ¾ a cup) […]

Taking in any amount of trans fats. Science knows no safe level of intake for this truly “toxic” form of fat. Strictly avoid all processed foods that list “partially hydrogenated oil” in their ingredients list. Eating “ultra-palatable” foods with any regularity. Foods high in fat and/or sugar and salt can directly stimulate the brain’s pleasure […]

If you have not already discovered “the magic” of fermented foods, I encourage you to do so. These microbe-enhanced foods offer a slew of unique features that put them in a league of their own for better health. Aside from a pleasingly pronounced and zingy flavor, fermented foods offer the following added benefits: Easier digestibility […]