Dr. Ann

If you are embarking on healthy behavior change, a first-of-its-kind study suggests that making changes in both your diet and your exercise simultaneously will give you the most bang for your efforts. For this eye-opening intervention study, scientist specifically selected study subjects who felt their busy lifestyles made it very difficult to be healthy. 200 adults with poor […]

If you take fish oil supplements, check to be sure they’re in the natural “triglyceride” form vs. the “ethyl ester” form. Although it is always best to get your vital omega 3 fats from oily fish like wild salmon, fish oil supplements are a convenient alternative for those who cannot or do not eat oily fish. In a recent […]

Roasting is arguably the easiest and tastiest way to prepare your veggies. It preserves their nutrients while concentrating their natural sugars and flavors, which makes them particularly yummy to even the pickiest palates. Roasting also shrinks them in size (because it removes their water), making it easier to consume more in one sitting. Based on […]

If you want to live longer and significantly reduce your risk of death from heart disease ­- put eating fish on your healthy to do list. In a first-of-its-kind study, scientist determined that study subjects with the highest blood levels of omega 3 fatty acids (a reliable marker for fish consumption) lowered their overall risk of death by 27% […]

Consuming breakfast with a nice dose of protein may be a powerful strategy to help us eat less, especially later in the day. In a novel study conducted in a group of overweight young adults who regularly skipped breakfast, researchers found that including a protein-rich breakfast reduced appetite throughout the day and decreased evening snacking. For the […]

No matter how you slice it – all varieties of cabbage are a stellar food for health and vitality. For just 30 calories per cup, cabbage serves up a huge dose of vitamins K, C, and beta-carotene, along with 8 other key nutrients. Like its cruciferous cousins – cabbage is most prized for that terrific trio […]

If you want to improve your sleep – get moving! In a new poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation – the results were compelling – exercise is fantastic for sleep. Highlights from this evaluation included the following… (National Sleep Foundation, news release, March 4, 2013) People who engaged in any level of exercise were much more […]

Beets are striking in appearance and nutritional value. This crimson-colored root vegetable is home to a unique family of plant pigments called betalains. Betalains exhibit strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying capabilities. When you combine beet’s betalains with its mother load of vitamin C and manganese, two other antioxidant workhorses, along with its hit of folate […]

  Roasted soy nuts – This crunchy, nutty, great-tasting whole soy food is loaded with heart-healthy goodness including B vitamins, vitamin E, omega 3 fats, and soluble fiber.  Whole soy foods have been shown to lower both blood pressure and cholesterol, providing a double-bonus for heart-health. Walnuts – Nuts in general score a perfect 10 […]

Raising a healthy eater can sometimes be easier said than done. Here are my top 5 tips for raising a healthy eater: Be a healthy role model. Make sure your home is a haven for healthy eating. Sit down for family meals as often as possible. Always use positive language and an upbeat, cheerful attitude […]

High-intensity interval training, known as HIIT, has been scoring one scientific victory after another, and I am excited to share two new study findings that I hope will excite you as much as they did me. HIIT involves brief (generally 30 seconds) yet very intense aerobic activity alternating with 3-4 minutes of very light activity […]

Exercise is helpful for weight control on many different fronts and helping you eat less should be added to the list. New research conducted in a group of 18 normal weight and 17 overweight women found that 45 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise blunted the brain’s appetite-stimulating responses to pictures of foods. It is well-documented […]