Dr. Ann

In an attempt to evaluate the scientific efficacy of various interventions to boost intelligence in young children, researchers recently identified three effective strategies. For this evaluation intelligence experts did a comprehensive review of the best published studies. They noted the following IQ boosters: Supplementing the diets of pregnant women and newborns with omega 3 supplements […]

In a landmark report, Johns Hopkins researchers have taken the scientific validity of the power of healthy living to a whole new level. For this evaluation, the researchers carefully followed how four key lifestyle factors affected the risk of heart disease and overall death risk in over 6,200 racially diverse study subjects. All of the […]

Produce Lowest in Pesticides These 15 forms of produce are so low in pesticides that conventional should be just fine: Onions Sweet Corn Pineapples Avocado Cabbage Sweet Peas Asparagus Mangos Eggplant Kiwi Cantaloupe (domestic) Sweet Potatoes Grapefruit Watermelon Mushrooms ____________________________ Bring the latest science of health and wellness into your company or organization when you […]

Some breakfast cereals contain more than 50% added sugar by weight! Don’t let the one gracing your cereal bowl be one of those! Based on a review by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit research and advocacy organization, the 10 cereals with the highest sugar content (by percentage weight) are: Kellogg’s Honey Smacks (55.6%) Post […]

Dutch scientists have given us yet another reason to enjoy an apple (or a pear) a day. In a study that followed over 20,000 adults for a 10-year period, those who consumed the most “white-fleshed” fruits and veggies were 52 percent less likely to have a stroke vs. those consuming the least. The specific fruits […]

I am fascinated by the science of appetite control (because I know it is the holy grail for weight control), and this study really grabbed my attention. In this investigation, Yale scientists learned that when our brains detect a drop in blood glucose (glucose is the only source of fuel for brain cells), several distinct […]

According to an assessment of America’s eating habits, consuming more potassium is something we definitely need to improve upon. (Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2011) This all-important essential mineral plays a fundamental role in nerve and muscle function, ph balance, and can counter the adverse effects of eating too much sodium. The typical American diet contains […]

Here are some of the studies I reviewed relating to children’s health: In a study involving 312 middle school students, those with the highest fitness levels had the best grades and scored higher on standardized tests. (I have no doubt that the quickest and most powerful way to improve academic performance is with school-based exercise […]

Did you know that combining certain foods can give you that much more nutritional bang for your efforts?  It is deliciously true.  Bringing them together provides a  synergistic boost to your health.  Here are some tasty and healthy dynamic duos: Tomatoes and olive oil Garlic and fish Tea and lemon Tomatoes and broccoli Turmeric and […]

According to exercise physiologists at Duke University, we have some powerful evidence for the best type of exercise to lose that infamous belly fat. Researchers completed a head-to-head comparison of aerobic exercise vs. resistance exercise vs. a combo of the two, and found that the fastest and most beneficial exercise route for burning belly fat was […]

There is now overwhelming evidence that diet has a profound influence on the risk of colon cancer and eating the right foods appears to be a simple way to safeguard your colon health. According to California researchers, brown rice, legumes, green vegetables, and dried fruit should regularly make their way onto your plate if you […]

In a heart warming study that provided more stunning evidence for the profound influence a healthy lifestyle can have on cardiac risk, Harvard researchers identified 4 factors we can count on to keep our tickers ticking. In this evaluation, scientist followed a whopping 81,722 women over a 26 year period of time. Study subjects who […]