Dr. Ann

  Science emerges daily highlighting both the necessity of physical fitness, as well as the long list of astounding health benefits associated with routine exercise. With all the options available to us for getting our daily-dose of movement, it’s worth noting that yoga has maintained its popularity as an exercise practice of choice for more […]

Past studies have consistently shown that one of the quickest and most effective ways to boost immunity is to move your body.  Underscoring the potent germ-fighting power of exercise – a study found that the most fit individuals get less frequent colds and when they do get them, they are milder and don’t last as […]

To take full advantage of broccoli’s powerful immune-boosting/cancer-fighting compound, sulforaphane, eat it raw, lightly cooked (steam 2-4 minutes), or pair it with some mustard, arugula, radishes, brocco-sprouts or wasabi. All of these simple strategies boost the formation and absorption of the “active” form of sulforaphane. It only takes 3-5 weekly servings of broccoli to reap […]

Get into the habit of making your own salad dressings and forget the store-bought brands.  It’s simple, quick, healthier, cheaper, and tastes so much better. My go-to is… (Blend these together with a fork!) extra virgin olive oil (1/4 cup) apple cider vinegar (1/4 cup) brown mustard (1 big spoonful) curry (1/2 tbsp) honey (2 […]

Edamame is a superstar food that makes a great addition to any meal!  The fact that not only is this recipe incredibly healthy but amazingly simple is what makes it one of my favorite edamame recipes. Simple Edamame with Lemon and Olive Oil Ingredients: 1 package of frozen shelled edamame cooked according to package instructions 1 […]

Savory, yet sweet, naturally low in calories, yet filling because of their super-high fiber content – sweet potatoes are a nutritional treasure. This under-appreciated super-affordable tuber is an unsurpassed food source of immune-boosting, heart-happy beta-carotene (1 provides 250% of your daily value!) that comes along with 8 other essential nutrients. And despite their starchy texture […]

Eating out, especially fast food, definitely makes eating healthy harder to do. But if you have to eat fast food, here are six tips for making the experience as healthy as possible. Seek out fast food establishments with the greatest selection of healthy options Avoid any fried foods Go for sandwiches or wraps made from whole […]

An eye-popping report just shed some powerful and compelling light on how quickly physical inactivity can harm the body, and I want you and everyone you love to know about it. Researchers had a group of healthy moderately active young adults reduce their daily physical activity by 50% and carefully monitored their blood sugar (glucose) […]

Like their bean cousins, lentils are cheap, versatile, filling, and power-packed full of fiber, B-vitamins, protein, minerals, and antioxidant polyphenols.  They provide more folate than any other food and have an edge over other legumes because they cook quickly, require no pre-soaking, and tend to cause less gas. Try one of my favorite lentil recipes: Simple Lentil […]

If you want to have healthy cholesterol levels I would recommend that you include some green tea with your repertoire of cholesterol-lowering foods. Sipping on green tea is one of my most cherished daily rituals so I was particularly inspired by a report that provided strong evidence that this is indeed a heart-healthy habit. For […]

Some foods are better for you than others and are true nutritional powerhouses! Here are five foods that are exceptional for you and that you should strive to include in your daily diet. Dark Leafy Greens Nuts Berries Whole Citrus Beans Dr. Ann’s Cure-All Kale Salad Serves 8-10 When I feel like I am coming […]

They provide “complete” (all the essential amino acids) protein that is gentler on your bones, your digestive system, and the environment. They provide all the essential fatty acids including a big hit of those precious omega 3 fats. They provide a comprehensive package of minerals including lots of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. They are […]