CLICK HERE: DOWNLOAD The Anti-Aging Cheat Sheet Have a nutrition question for Dr. Ann? Ask her anything on Aug 26th! REGISTER HERE Control the rate at which you age by eating the best anti-aging diet and practicing daily healthy living. Yes, scientists have discovered the best anti-aging diet and lifestyle! One of the most glorious […]
Olive is oil delicious and can keep you from developing a disease that devastates so many every year. Reach for olive oil to lower your cancer risk. In a review study that included the results of 45 previously published studies, scientists observed a significant protective effect of consuming olive oil for several types of cancer. […]
Including a tossed salad as a pre-meal appetizer is a delicious and super-nutritious means to help you eat less. In fact, if you dress your salad with a little olive-oil based vinaigrette, this simple mealtime tactic can rein in your appetite through five separate means: The bulkiness of the lettuce and raw veggies rapidly fills the […]
Olive oil has a well-deserved scientific reputation as a stellar food for chronic disease prevention and, thanks to a powerful study, its life-preserving credentials just are even bigger. The study followed the dietary habits of over 40,000 Spanish adults and found that those consuming the most olive oil were significantly less likely to die vs. those […]
I consider extra virgin olive oil to be the healthiest of all oils. Here’s why: 1) Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) protects the heart and arteries through many ways including lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol and raising good (HDL) cholesterol. 2) As oils go, EVOO is uniquely high in potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds called polyphenols. Polyphenols […]
The foods you choose to eat can have a profound effect on your heart for better or for worse. Salsa – This tasty, low-calorie dip provides a cornucopia of heart-healthy foods including tomatoes, onion, peppers, and garlic. These foods provide fiber, vitamin C, potassium, beta-carotene, and antioxidants, all working together in powerful synergy to protect […]
The heart-healthy credentials of the Mediterranean pattern of eating received yet another scientific accolade. In a study that carefully monitored the diet and health profiles of 2,500 Greek adults ages 18 to 89, those who most closely followed this delectable way of eating slashed their risk of having a heart attack by 47 percent. For this evaluation, […]
If you are concerned with type 2 diabetes, you will be pleased to hear that the scrumptious Mediterranean-style eating pattern has been shown to provide significant protection from this modern-day epidemic. In a powerful review that combined 19 former studies including over 162,000 people from several different countries and ethnic backgrounds, a Mediterranean diet was found to […]
In a fascinating report that sought to investigate how various natural fats affect satiety (the feeling of fullness) – olive oil came out on top. For three months researchers had study subjects supplement their normal daily diets with 500 grams of low-fat yogurt spiked with one of four fats – lard, butterfat, rapeseed oil or olive oil. […]
Healthy eating can be easy and delicious. Here are 10 simple ways to dramatically boost the nutrition and flavor of your dishes in less than 10 seconds. 1. Add 1-2 TBS of toasted wheat germ or shelled hemp seeds (hemp kernels) to your morning cereal, oatmeal, yogurt or smoothies. Both have a slightly sweet, yet nutty […]
The delectable Mediterranean Diet characterized as rich in fruits, veggies, legumes, fish, and olive oil and low in red meat, sugar, and refined carbs has been strongly tied to lower rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, dementia, obesity, and depression.
Popeye loved his spinach and his Olive Oil and you should too. In a study including 30,000 Italian women followed for about 8 years, those who reported eating at least 1 serving of dark leafy greens a day were 46% less likely to develop heart disease versus those who ate two or less servings a […]