Dr. Ann

According to a report in the prestigious journal Neurology, the brain-health credentials of those precious omega 3 fats just received yet another boost. For this study, researchers measured the blood levels of omega 3 fats in 1,111 elderly women and measured the size of their brains with MRI scans 8 years later. Women who had […]

Eating for pleasure and eating to make your heart healthier tomorrow than it is today can go hand in hand. Here are 7 easy ways to do it: Extra Virgin Olive Oil– This highly flavored, for real make-me-healthier fat provides four separate benefits to your arteries – making it hands down the very best oil for your […]

In an uplifting report that adds to the well-deserved and glowing reputation of omega- 3 fats for heart health, scientists determined that increasing our intake of these precious and vital fats helps lower blood pressure. The analysis combined the data from 70 formally published clinical trials and found that study subjects who increased their intakes […]

All nuts are exceptional foods for promoting wellness and vitality, but walnuts may be the cream of the crop for brain health. In an exciting series of laboratory experiments, researchers found that fortifying the diets of lab mice with a daily dose of walnuts resulted in several significant brain-based benefits. The mice fed the human equivalent […]

They provide “complete” (all the essential amino acids) protein that is gentler on your bones, your digestive system, and the environment. They provide all the essential fatty acids including a big hit of those precious omega 3 fats. They provide a comprehensive package of minerals including lots of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. They are […]

Of all the things you could do to improve your health and quality of life, eating a healthy diet is right at the top of the list. In fact, I do not know of any other strategy in all of modern day health and biomedical science (except possibly exercise) that comes close to providing the […]

I review 1000 plus studies a year related to my expertise and this one rocked me more than any I had read in a long time. In a nutshell, scientist determined that a country’s dietary intakes of omega 3 fats (the “superstar” brain-health fat) relative to omega 6 fats (the fat that directly competes in […]

Those well-deserved darlings of the healthy fat world strike again. This time in an eye-opening new study that looked at how omega 3 fats taken in the form of a daily supplement affects kids’ behavior. For this well conducted, double blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial (the only type of study that can prove cause and effect), […]

All varieties of nuts are off-the-charts great for you, but walnuts deserve especially enthusiastic praise. In fact, this remarkable nut is so special it is always available in my kitchen. Here are 6 compelling reasons to join me in including walnuts in your diet regularly: 1.Walnuts are one of the few foods and the only nut […]

All varieties of nuts are off-the-charts great for you, but walnuts deserve special mention. Here are 5 reasons to eat more of them. Walnuts offer unrivaled cardiovascular protection. Walnuts are an excellent source of those hard to find plant-based omega 3 fats. Walnuts are uniquely high in a special form of vitamin E, gamma-tocopherol, revered […]

Strive to eat at least 3 servings of oily fish in your diet each week. Oily fish is an unparalleled source of two smoking hot nutrients that most Americans do not get enough of: omega 3 fats and vitamin D. Tasty options include salmon (canned, frozen or fresh), tuna, sardines, lake trout, halibut, or herring.

As a professional wellness expert and speaker, I consider maintaining a youthful and healthy appearance a “required” part of my job description. Here are my top 3 skin health secrets. I eat a heaping tablespoon of organic canned tomato paste (Muir Glen brand) each day – usually right off of the spoon. Canned tomato paste is a […]