CLICK HERE: DOWNLOAD The Anti-Aging Cheat Sheet Have a nutrition question for Dr. Ann? Ask her anything on Aug 26th! REGISTER HERE Control the rate at which you age by eating the best anti-aging diet and practicing daily healthy living. Yes, scientists have discovered the best anti-aging diet and lifestyle! One of the most glorious […]
Did you know that one of the most powerful all-encompassing strategies available to guard and protect your health is to keep the level of inflammation in your body low? Indeed, cutting-edge science has shown that inflammation is a key driver of almost all forms of chronic disease. We have known about the direct relationship between inflammation […]
If you are looking for a tasty and easy way to get even more nutritional oomph from your salad veggies, then look to eggs. That was the conclusion from a study that sought to find out if adding cooked eggs to a salad would increase the absorption of a prized group of veggie-based compounds called carotenoids. For […]
Here is my best guidance for doing your protein right when dining out: Seafood including fish or shellfish is an excellent choice because they provide healthy omega 3 fats and negligible saturated fats. Americans are not consuming optimal amounts of seafood, so this would be my top recommendation for a healthy protein. Of course, do not even consider ruining such […]
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of adult blindness, and eating fish may offer a big catch for prevention. According to the powerful, Harvard-based Women’s Health Study, women who consumed one or more servings of fish weekly were 42 percent less likely to develop AMD versus those eating fish once or less a […]
Fish may be so valuable for brain health that even a single serving a week may provide profound benefits. In a stunning report presented at a scientific meeting, researchers noted that elderly study subjects who reported eating baked or broiled fish (not fried!) one to four times a week had significantly bigger brains, and were […]
The food industry knows that many of you are aware that omega 3 fats are the darlings of the healthy fat world, and they are finding very clever ways to exploit these essential fats as “added value” in their products. You can now find a growing list of “omega 3 fortified” foods including: peanut butter, […]
The majority of the solid structure of our brains is made up of fat – yes we are all true fat heads! And the special type of fat that makes up most of our brain architecture is none other than the superstar omega 3 fat. Omega 3 fat, specifically DHA, is the brain’s most prized and […]
As even small amounts of excess body fat (especially if deposited in the belly) can boost your risk of a laundry list of deadly diseases – awareness of simple strategies to power up your metabolism can be very healthful. Simply stated – your metabolism is how many calories you burn for the production of energy […]
Eggs have always been a cheap, delicious and convenient source of high quality, low-fat protein along with B vitamins, vitamin E and iron. Thanks to modern food technology eggs are now healthier than ever. Many egg producers now fortify their chicken feed with omega 3 fats (usually from fish meal) which means that this superstar fat gets […]
I consider wild salmon the healthiest protein on the planet and thankfully this megastar superfood is always conveniently available right from the can. Salmon is a fantastic source of B vitamins, magnesium, and selenium, but is most prized for its rich supply of omega 3 fats and vitamin D. In fact, salmon is one of just a very small handful of foods that naturally contains […]
Because even small amounts of excess body fat, especially if deposited in the belly, can boost the risk of many chronic diseases – taking steps to power up your metabolism can pay big health dividends. Simply stated, metabolism is the calories burned for the production of energy necessary to keep the body functioning properly. Whether […]