Of the three basic building blocks of nutrition– protein, carbohydrates, and fat– nothing provides longer-lasting and more effective appetite control than protein. In fact, I like to call protein nature’s diet pill! The unique sating power of protein is thought to be due to several mechanisms working in concert including: Sustaining blood glucose levels More effectively […]
Thoughtful, strategic snacking can be a tasty and valuable weight control strategy. Here are 4 perfect options. Dry Roasted Edamame (“soy nuts”) Raw or Roasted Almonds (other nuts awesome too, but almonds arguably tops) Dried Chic Peas (available now at most grocers in all sorts of yummy flavors) Any Raw Veggie Dipped in Hummus […]
A healthy HDL level (>50) is associated with less risk of heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s and colon cancer. Follow these simple strategies to raise your HDL (good) cholesterol level. (Mine is 93!) Lose weight if overweight. Engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (brisk walking) most days of the week. (Talk to […]
Want a delicious way to improve your metabolic health and rein in your appetite? Eat more arginine-rich foods. Arginine is an amino acid found in high concentrations in some protein foods, and new research indicates it is a powerful ally to help us fight weight gain and type 2 diabetes. In a series of laboratory experiments, […]
Appetite control is the Holy Grail for weight control and letting yourself get ravenously hungry prior a large meal (dinner for most people) is an invitation for over-indulgence and weight gain. Here are four proven ways to healthfully take the edge off of your pre-meal hunger and ultimately help you eat less. For best results, […]
Berries are one of my top-rated fruits and a food I strive to include in my diet every day. Here are 5 great reasons to join me! Berries are a great source of fiber and vitamin C. Raspberries have more fiber per serving than any other fruit. Berries are a supreme food for brain health […]
Weight control is of monumental importance to your overall health and functionality. If you are a non-smoker, weight control is the most powerful tool you have to increase your chances of a long, healthy, and productive life. Here are nine strategies that I consider “essential” for lasting success with weight loss and weigh control. Meaning, if you […]
Having an abundance of “good bacteria” in your gut is critical for weight control and health. And eating an abundance of real fiber foods (fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, whole grains) is the #1 thing you can do to get them in there.
Evidence is quickly mounting that when you eat and the timing of your meals may be as important as what and how much you eat. In a fascinating new laboratory study, scientists found that lab rats that consumed high fat food over a restricted period of 8 hours a day gained significantly less weight and […]
The National Weight Control Registry, the largest on-going study of triumphant dieters, has identified regular exercise as one of a handful of common denominators in those who succeed in keeping lost weight off for the long run. A fascinating new report (American Journal of Physiology, Sept 09) shed some powerful, really bright and happy light […]