Dr. Ann

The data on vitamin D and health just keeps pourin’ in.  Here are some highlights: For teens living in the “sunny” south, low vitamin D levels were common, including 56 percent with insufficient levels and 30 percent with full-blown vitamin D deficiency. (Pediatrics, June 2010) In a study that followed 531 women over six years, […]

An eye-popping report adds to growing evidence that diet drinks may be working against us in our efforts to lose weight. Researchers who followed 474 people over a 10-year period found those who used diet sodas experienced a 70% increase in their belly circumference vs. those who did not drink diet sodas. For frequent diet […]

If burning fat is one of your goals for working out, you may want to skip your post-workout snack.  Reporting in the Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism (2007), investigators found that after a 1-hour walk on the treadmill, study subjects experienced a 40% boost in insulin efficiency (which translates to a faster metabolism […]

Perhaps one of the most eye-popping and important scientific developments on the health front has been the recognition that prolonged sitting is definitely hazardous to our health.  Regardless of the amount of “exercise” you get over the course of the day – sitting for long segments of time comes with a host of adverse metabolic […]

Scientists already determined that eating chili peppers (and other hot foods) can boost mood by triggering the release of the brain’s natural feel good chemicals  – and thanks to this lab study, we have another happy reason to eat them. Scientist determined that the chemical capsaicin, which provides chili pepper’s spicy hot kick, can boost the activity […]

Building the Best Lunch To keep your children’s bodies and brains in peak performance mode and to safeguard against the ravages of unhealthy foods, be sure your child powers up with a nutritious lunch. The three basic building blocks for the best lunches include: Healthy protein Fiber-rich carbs, to include at least one serving of […]

In a landmark report, Johns Hopkins researchers have taken the scientific validity of the power of healthy living to a whole new level. For this evaluation, the researchers carefully followed how four key lifestyle factors affected the risk of heart disease and overall death risk in over 6,200 racially diverse study subjects. All of the […]

Based on the studies I have reviewed over the years, I remain wildly enthusiastic about the healthful goodness in tea.  Confirming what I intuitively felt to be the case, scientists concluded that bottled teas are essentially worthless from a health standpoint even though people pay lots of money for them (to the tune of 1 […]

We already know that walnuts are one of the most effective foods on the planet for the prevention of heart attacks and a new study finds they may be potent cancer-fighters too.  Researchers at the UC Davis Cancer Center fed lab rats genetically engineered to get prostate cancer rat chow supplemented with the human equivalent […]

I am fascinated by the science of appetite control (because I know it is the holy grail for weight control), and this study really grabbed my attention. In this investigation, Yale scientists learned that when our brains detect a drop in blood glucose (glucose is the only source of fuel for brain cells), several distinct […]

Maintaining a healthy body weight throughout life is second only to avoiding tobacco as the most powerful thing an individual can do to decrease their cancer risk – yet studies repeatedly show only a minority of the population is aware of the body weight cancer link (so help me spread the word by forwarding this […]

Over the past 20 years there has been a dramatic uptick in our intake of dietary fructose (largely from high fructose corn syrup and other sweeteners) and 2 studies add to a large swath of others that our health may be taking a beating as a result. In the first evaluation, scientists determined that among […]