Dr. Ann

This refreshing fruit is at its yearly prime and thankfully is bursting with nutritional prowess.  Along with a concentrated dose of immune-boosting vitamin C, oranges provide a generous offering of folate, fiber, potassium, calcium and vitamin A.  This nutrient profile sings heart-health, but oranges stellar package of cancer-fighting phytochemicals is even sweeter music for your health.  Enjoy […]

If you want to lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, then low-fat yogurt should be a staple in your daily diet. In a large-scale study examining the relationship between regular yogurt consumption and type 2 diabetes, scientist uncovered some very encouraging results. For this study, researchers followed the eating habits of 4,255 British adults for […]

The foods you choose to eat can have a profound effect on your heart for better or for worse. Salsa – This tasty, low-calorie dip provides a cornucopia of heart-healthy foods including tomatoes, onion, peppers, and garlic.  These foods provide fiber, vitamin C, potassium, beta-carotene, and antioxidants, all working together in powerful synergy to protect […]

  Past studies have linked low levels of vitamin D with depression, and this evaluation adds to the growing pile of evidence that adequate levels of vitamin D are fundamental to good mental health. This evaluation included over 7,000 British subjects and found those with vitamin D levels in the normal range had a 43% lower […]

Everyone loves dipping, especially kids. Done right, dips add yummy flavor and texture while boosting the nutritional quality of your diet. And let’s be honest-carrots and broccoli taste better dipped! Here are my top-rated dips for boosting health and pleasure, all conveniently found ready-made right in the grocery store. Hummus and other bean dips Guacamole Salsa Baba ghanoush All […]

Canned foods are economical and convenient. Here are 6 that are exploding with health-value. All varieties of tomato products (look for BPA-free brands for best results) 100% pumpkin (great for baking and adding to yogurt and oatmeal) Unsweetened blueberries (for “healthy” cobblers, muffins, and pancakes) Artichoke hearts All varieties of beans Salmon – wild sockeye […]

Relative to ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, oatmeal, especially the steel- cut variety, offers greater satiety (feelings of fullness). Oatmeal has all the proven health benefits attributed to eating intact whole grains, which include protection from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity. Oatmeal is uniquely high in a special type of soluble fiber, beta-glucan, […]

Red wine lovers rejoice! One of the largest studies of its kind found that regular red wine drinkers had healthier gut microbiomes than their counterparts who consumed other types of alcoholic beverages. To remind you, the gut microbiome is the name of the all-important ecosystem of microorganisms in our GI tracts now known to play […]

Want a quick and tasty way to improve your good gut bacteria? Eat more walnuts! Loads of past studies have highlighted walnuts’ stellar health benefits, and according to a new study, promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria may play a role in how walnuts work their healthy magic. For this clinical trial, researchers placed […]

There is now overwhelming evidence that the bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract, the gut microbiome, plays a major role in our mood and behavior. Knowing that what we eat is the primary determinate of the state of our gut microbes, European scientists performed an in-depth review of past studies looking at diet, mood, and gut […]

February 16, 2020 • Healthy Living


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Mix of dried cranberries, blueberries, cherries – This terrific trio provides a turbo-charged dose of age-defying antioxidants that can double as powerful anti-inflammatory agents too.  Oxidation and inflammation are formidable partners in crime when it comes to cellular aging and blue/red anthocyanin pigments found in these fountain of youth fruits are amongst the most potent […]