Dr. Ann

Diet and lifestyle are unbeatable tools for boosting stress resiliency. Here are the best of the bunch. Be physically active/ exercise on a regular basis. Daily is best. Any activity counts, but the more vigorous the activity the better. Minimize processed foods and fast foods. Consume mostly whole, “nature made” foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. Those […]

Low-fat or non-fat PLAIN yogurt is truly the cream of the dairy crop and a superstar, standout food. Here are 6 great reasons to enjoy it daily. Yogurt provides probiotics (beneficial bacteria) that are fundamental to gastrointestinal health as well as metabolic and immune function. Yogurt provides more calcium than any other food. As an added bonus, […]

One of my biggest pet peeves is the ever-exploding selection of designer waters now available on the grocery shelves. Despite their labels that include ultra healthy words like “vitamin”, “fitness”, or “skinny”, there is no evidence that fortifying water with vitamins, minerals, herbs, or antioxidants has any health benefits. To the contrary, given the growing […]

Here are 6 great reasons to include edamame, green immature soybeans, in your diet regularly. Unlike most commercially grown soybeans, edamame are not genetically modified. They are one of the very rare forms of plant-based proteins that contain all of the essential amino acids. They are more readily digestible than varieties used for making dried […]

Loss of muscle mass, known as sarcopenia, is a common and potentially deadly accompaniment to aging and good nutrition proves to be a powerful ally to help counter this debilitating state. Maintaining muscle mass is fundamental to ensuring a healthy metabolism and plays a defining role in maintaining functionality in old age. In fact, muscular […]

Diet soda, better known as a “science experiment in a can,” has ZERO nutritionally redeeming values and a growing list of strikes against it on the health front. I urge you to wise up and ditch the habit. Here are seven science-based reasons to dump the diet drinks forever. (I’m launching my latest e-course on […]

  Chocolate and dessert lovers rejoice! I have a recipe for a healthy chocolate sundae that will have your mouths watering. Simply take 2 scoops of “Purely Decadent” brand coconut milk ice cream (vanilla bean or coconut flavor) and smother it with 2 ounces of melted 72% (or higher) dark chocolate (I like Ghiradelli’s “Midnight Reverie”), and […]

The data on vitamin D and health just keeps pourin’ in.  Here are some highlights: For teens living in the “sunny” south, low vitamin D levels were common, including 56 percent with insufficient levels and 30 percent with full-blown vitamin D deficiency. (Pediatrics, June 2010) In a study that followed 531 women over six years, […]

Perhaps one of the most eye-popping and important scientific developments on the health front has been the recognition that prolonged sitting is definitely hazardous to our health.  Regardless of the amount of “exercise” you get over the course of the day – sitting for long segments of time comes with a host of adverse metabolic […]

In a report that constitutes one of the most thorough review of alcohol and cancer-related deaths in the U.S. over the past 30 years – scientists made some eye-popping conclusions that everyone needs to be aware of. Here are the highlights: Alcohol use is one of the leading causes of preventable cancer deaths. Alcohol is […]

Drink green tea – Known in my world as the true elixir of youth – drinking green or white tea is perhaps the easiest and most relaxing way to infuse our bodies and brains with age-defying antioxidants. Both provide over 4 thousand bioactive compounds including the famed “flavonoids” like berries and dark chocolate. One particular flavonoid […]

Travel means dining out and dining out comes with a host of forces that can work against you on the wellness front. Take advantage of the following guiding principles to transform this high risk eating endeavor into one that provides sensory pleasure without sacrificing your health or sabotaging your waistline. Eat out, but eat smart […]