Dr. Ann

In the scientific literature, processed meats repeatedly rear their notorious heads as powerful cancer promoters.  Thanks to the researchers from Harvard’s School of Public Health, we have a large-scale review of how processed meats impact the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Investigators evaluated about 1,600 studies, including over a million study subjects and concluded that eating […]

In a heart warming study that provided more stunning evidence for the profound influence a healthy lifestyle can have on cardiac risk, Harvard researchers identified 4 factors we can count on to keep our tickers ticking. In this evaluation, scientist followed a whopping 81,722 women over a 26 year period of time. Study subjects who […]

Like its other nut relatives, walnuts score a perfect 10 when it comes to protecting the cardiovascular system, but this big nut is a winner on numerous fronts.  In the last several years, studies have shown that walnuts likely provide protection against breast cancer, prostate cancer, dementia, macular degeneration and even stress. As nuts go, walnuts […]

Thanks to a lab study, the disease-busting credentials of the diminutive, yet all-powerful blueberry got even bigger.  Scientists fed a group of mice genetically prone to develop premature heart disease standard rat chow spiked with blueberry powder and a second group the same diet without the blueberry powder. After 20 weeks, the mice fed the […]

Many people express concern about “needing the potassium” as they may be on meds that require this. Because restricting bananas is part of my standard recommendation for those who want to lose weight, and for those with diabetes, I want everyone to know there are many other foods that provide more potassium per standard serving including white […]

I’m nuts about nuts. Here are six reasons to include nuts in your diet daily! Regular nut consumption reduces the risk of heart-related death by up to 30-50%. People who eat nuts regularly live longer. People who eat nuts regularly get less type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. People who eat nuts regularly are less […]

September 2, 2018 • Heart Health

BPA and Blood Pressure

 The alarm bells for exposure to BPA have been getting louder over that past few years, and higher blood pressure may indeed be another cause for concern. BPA is a compound found in some plastics as well as the liners used for most canned foods and beverages. Although a definitive verdict on BPA exposure and health is […]

I am already wildly enthusiastic about berries for health. In a Harvard based study that monitored the eating habits of over 93,000 women for 18 years, those consuming the most berries were 32 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack vs. those consuming the least. Scientists speculate that berries’ robust supply of blue/purple anthocyanin […]

Nut’s stellar reputation as a workhorse for fighting disease just scored a huge scientific victory. In one of the largest studies to date, scientist found that simply consuming a daily, modest handful (20 grams) of nuts (any variety to include peanuts) was linked to the following health benefits: A 30 percent reduction in cardiovascular disease […]

Want to dramatically lower your risk of dying from a cardiac event? Get fit! Movement is remarkably good for the heart. Following a recent study,* scientists concluded that fitness appears to slash the risk of cardiac death. For the evaluation, scientists carefully measured the fitness of over 55,000 Americans and followed their health status onward for up to 14 years. […]

Watch this video tip on why food is medicine and how it can help lower cholesterol in the body. It’s fascinating science!

These are the foods you should be including in your diet regularly: Avocados Tomatoes Broccoli Brussels sprouts Asparagus Red/orange/yellow bell peppers Any dark leafy greens Any dark salad greens/lettuce Berries (any variety) Pomegranates Any whole citrus Apples – dried and fresh Red/purple grapes Organic plain soy milk Soy nuts Edamame Tofu Tempeh Fish, especially oily […]