We all know that vigorous physical activity is great for our health, but what if we have arthritis or some other joint condition? Thankfully, there are a host of joint-friendly ways to get your heart rate up to reap all the benefits of aerobic exercise while sparing your joints both stress and pain. Take a […]
Believe it or not, canned pumpkin is one of the healthiest foods on earth.. It is a real example of a “processed food” that is healthier than its fresh counterpart. Canned pumpkin is fresh pumpkin pureed and then cooked down to remove its water, which both concentrates its nutrients and makes them easier for your […]
Grilled meat, especially red meat is a well known source of 2 cancer-causing agents, namely HCA’s and PAH’s. HCA’s develop when the muscle proteins of meats are exposed to high heat. PAH’s form in the black, charred outer portions of grilled meats when the surface fat and juices come into direct contact with the flame […]
In an analysis that included the most comprehensive and authoritative to date, nuts proved their efficacy in improving blood lipid levels. After pooling the data from 25 separate clinical tests, scientists determined that including up to a third of a cup of nuts dailylowers LDL (bad) cholesterol by 7.4 percent, lowers triglycerides by 10.2 percent, […]
The darlings of the healthy fat world, namely omega 3’s, may prove to be helpful for preventing colon cancer. In a study including about 1,900 adults, as the intakes of omega 3 fats increased, rates of colon cancer decreased. Among white study participants, those consuming the most omega 3 fats had half the risk of […]
As a family physician, nutrition expert, and mother of 4, I am delighted to share my top picks for the healthiest snacks for kids. Cut fresh veggies (baby carrots, celery sticks, bell pepper strips, broccoli/cauliflower florets, etc.) – serve along with a “healthy dip” like hummus, low-fat salad dressing, guacamole, or salsa. Low-fat yogurt – […]
Did you know that one of the most powerful dietary strategies available to guard and protect your health is to eat foods that keep the level of inflammation in your body low? Well, it’s true – because we now know that inflammation is a key driver of almost all forms of chronic disease. Thankfully there […]
Getting overly hungry is the downfall of dieters everywhere. You know how it works: you think you’re behaving yourself by not eating, but you go too long between meals, and as a result, you grow so hungry that you feel as though your stomach has become a bottomless pit. While you know you should chop […]
Although you may not have recognized them as phytochemicals, many of you are likely familiar with some of the commonly known superstars such as lycopene in tomatoes, anthocyanins in berries, and sulforaphane in broccoli. I am certain that a brief profile of just these three amazing plant chemicals will motivate you to eat your fruits […]
Health and nutrition studies are showing that plant foods, especially fruits and veggies, are better for us than we ever imagined. For over a half century we have known that they are bursting with health promoting fiber, vitamins, and minerals, but in the last thirty years we have discovered that they are also loaded with an […]
In a study of over 39,000 US females followed over 12 years, those who engaged regularly in brisk walking were 37% less likely to have a stroke. (Stroke, April 2010) Are you getting enough exercise? For more detailed guidance, check out 8 Steps to Lifelong Wellness & Vitality.
For dark chocolate lovers out there like me, I am delighted to share further evidence that dark chocolate is a food you can love that loves you back — a true dietary superstar! After following about 20,000 adults for at least 10 years, European researchers reported those who included as little as a small square […]