Dr. Ann

Alpha-carotene is a potent plant-based antioxidant that has been associated with a reduced risk of death from any cause. The following list of foods has the highest concentrations. Canned pumpkin Carrots Butternut squash Tomato juice (low sodium) Dark leafy greens (any variety) Tomatoes (fresh, canned, sauce or paste) Cabbage Red bell peppers Tangerines Green beans […]

Cardiovascular disease and other heart-related ailments are as rampant as ever amongst Americans. Protect your heart, and include these superstar foods in your diet regularly. Roasted soy nuts – This crunchy, nutty, great-tasting whole soy food is loaded with heart-healthy goodness including B vitamins, vitamin E, omega 3 fats, and soluble fiber.  Whole soy foods […]

The underlying metabolic problem in type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance. Victims of type 2 diabetes typically suffer from some degree of insulin resistance for many years prior to developing the disease in full. If your insulin doesn’t work well and you eat the Great White Hazards, your pancreas is forced to release that much […]

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day so it’s important that what you are eating is healthy. So many cereals out there are anything but. Here are ten common brands of cereal that fit my guidelines for 5 grams or more of fiber and 10 grams or less of sugar per serving. Post® […]

Over the past two decades, omega 3 fats have been rocketed to the scientific forefront as the darlings of the healthy fat world, and according to three new reports, we would be very wise to consume them in abundance. All three of these evaluations were specifically addressing omega 3 fats and brain/mental health. Here are […]

A simple way to eat less is to downsize your dinnerware. We tend to serve ourselves less food and consequently eat less food when we use smaller plates, bowls, and utensils. Additionally, seeing more food and less plate is more appetizing and satisfying on the front end than seeing less food on a larger plate. RELATED Reining In […]

September 15, 2011 • Fitness

Exercise News Flash

There were so many sensational new reports extolling the benefits of physical activity I just could not decide on just one so here are the highlights from all of them! Using an “objective measure” of physical activity – researchers reported that older adults who were the most physically active were 90 percent less likely to […]

Control your portions! This can certainly trim your grocery bill and your restaurant bill and recent scientific evidence finds that consistently controlling portions is the fastest direct route to weight loss. According to an article published in Obesity Research, Sept 2004, controlling portions increased the chances of successful weight loss by almost four fold! Dump […]

The flood of new science from the past decade extolling the benefits of exercise for brain health are simply mind-blowing. Thanks to Columbia University researchers, we have yet another study to add to our “exercise for brain health” archive. After following the exercise habits of 1,238 elderly subjects over a six-year period of time, investigators […]

Want to know where my passion for healthy eating comes from? This movie trailer says it all! Click to view: Forks Over Knives

All varieties of nuts offer a treasure trove of healthy goodness, but walnuts are emerging as the crown jewels. Like all nuts, walnuts provide heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber, and several key minerals, but can also claim two additional features that push them further up the ladder of nature’s most awesome disease-fighting foods. Relative to other […]

The importance of optimal sleep in terms of health and quality of life cannot be overstated.  Inadequate sleep has been consistently linked to a growing list of modern day ills including weight gain, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, emotional disorders and metabolic syndrome.  According to a new study, it appears to be a major “brain […]