Dr. Ann

Eggplant is my pick for superstar food of the month for June! If you are looking for ways to include this nutrient-packed veggie in your diet, try my delicious and 100% healthy recipe for Eggplant Parmesan. If you are looking for more healthy cooking ideas, you may want to check out my recipes for Blueberry […]

As a family physician, nutrition expert, and mother of 4, I am delighted to share my top picks for the healthiest snacks for kids. Cut fresh veggies (baby carrots, celery sticks, bell pepper strips, broccoli/cauliflower florets, etc.) – serve along with a “healthy dip” like hummus, low-fat salad dressing, guacamole, or salsa. Low-fat yogurt – […]

Did you know that one of the most powerful dietary strategies available to guard and protect your health is to eat foods that keep the level of inflammation in your body low?  Well, it’s true – because we now know that inflammation is a key driver of almost all forms of chronic disease. Thankfully there […]

Health and nutrition studies are showing that plant foods, especially fruits and veggies, are better for us than we ever imagined. For over a half century we have known that they are bursting with health promoting fiber, vitamins, and minerals, but in the last thirty years we have discovered that they are also loaded with an […]

In a study of over 39,000 US females followed over 12 years, those who engaged regularly in brisk walking were 37% less likely to have a stroke. (Stroke, April 2010)  Are you getting enough exercise? For more detailed guidance, check out 8 Steps to Lifelong Wellness & Vitality.

Dark chocolate and its cousin cocoa are teeming with potent antioxidant plant chemicals called flavanols that emerging science reveals protect the health of the cardiovascular system.  These antioxidant flavanols have favorable effects on the inner most lining cells (endothelium) of our arteries and have been found in numerous studies to: lower blood pressure,  decrease the […]

Risk factors for the development of this epidemic, potentially life-threatening condition include being overweight, being physically inactive, having a close relative with the disease, and consuming trans fats.   If you have any of these traits, it is imperative that you avoid regular consumption of the Great White Hazards (white flour products, white potatoes, sugar, […]

I remain in awe of the spectacular power physical activity provides on the disease-busting front.  Two new studies trumpet yet again its effectiveness for keeping the big C at bay.  Reporting in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (July 09), Finnish researchers concluded that men who engaged in moderate to vigorous exercise for at least […]

Gamma tocophenal, a high performing form of vitamin E, continues to make headline news on the disease-busting front.  Studies have linked this antioxidant work horse to better cardiovascular health and protection from a host of different cancers.  Fortunately, the foods that provide the very best supply are amongst the most delicious too – pistachios (bet […]

Feeling fatigued?  You are not alone.  Fatigue and lack of energy are amongst the most common complaints I hear from the patients in my wellness practice.  Here are 3 dietary strategies for just saying whoa to fatigue: Be sure to have some high quality protein at each feeding/meal.  The digestion of protein gives rise to […]

The Mediterranean Diet hit another healthy home run with 2 new studies adding to its long and successful record on the disease-fighting front.  A slew of former studies have established this delicious dietary pattern (high in plant foods, fish, olive oil, moderate in red wine, and low in meat) as beneficial for heart health, cancer […]

On the subject of potent antioxidants, we now know that constantly infusing our bodies with a steady stream of them should be the “bedrock” for healthy living.  A landmark, highly ambitious study that monitored genetic mutations through the human equivalent of 5,000 years — has shown for the very first time that the lion’s share […]