Dr. Ann

Diet soda, better known as a “science experiment in a can,” has ZERO nutritionally redeeming values and a growing list of strikes against it on the health front. I urge you to wise up and ditch the habit. Here are seven science-based reasons to dump the diet drinks forever. (I’m launching my latest e-course on […]

Rejoice! Obesity genes do not have the final word-you do! In a highly encouraging report, scientists concluded that regular physical activity can dramatically diminish the activity of the FTO gene, the most common and powerful obesity gene. For this study, researchers carefully monitored the activity levels of over 17,000 multiethnic adults from 17 different countries for three […]

If you enjoy eating strawberries, your heart and arteries should be thanking you. In a first-of-its-kind published study, investigators monitored how eating a large daily dose of strawberries affected the key blood lipid markers – total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglycerides. For this study, the researchers had 23 healthy volunteers consume 500 grams of […]

Thanks to Vanderbilt researchers, the sparkling reputation of green tea is shining even brighter. In a study that included 75,000 middle-aged and older Chinese women, consuming green tea was associated with significant cancer protection. Those who reported regular green tea consumption (defined as at least 3 times a week) for at least 20 years were […]

Want a delicious way to live a longer life? Eat more polyphenol-rich foods. Polyphenols are a family of plant-based compounds that have exhibited a broad range of health benefits including lowering inflammation and oxidation in the body, reducing cancer risk, protecting the cardiovascular system, and slowing the aging process. In an interesting study, scientists determined that […]

If you are under the illusion that cancer is simply bad luck or all in your genes, I have some fantastic news for you. According to a report published in the prestigious journal, Nature, up to 70-90 percent of cancer cases are related to lifestyle and environmental factors. This analysis was specifically undertaken to determine the […]

July 10, 2018 • Kids Health

Brain Power in Kids

In a ground-breaking study that I hope grabs everyone’s attention, particularly parents and the education establishment, researchers confirmed that both physical activity and body weight have a decisive impact on how well a child’s brain functions. For this study, researchers carefully assessed cognitive function through a special battery of tests in 45 normal weight kids age […]

Sometimes we found ourselves facing buffet lines tempting us with a vast assortment of calorie-loaded, not-so-good-for-us choices. An intriguing study from Cornell University offers a super-simple strategy for successfully navigating bountiful buffets without wrecking your waistline and your health. According to their carefully conducted studies, we are much more likely to select the food items […]

Tis the season for weight loss and if you want to succeed, simply stepping on the scale may be one of the most effective moves you could make. In a study that followed the body weight of overweight study subjects who expressed a desire to lose weight, those who weighed themselves more often over the following […]

Woohoo! That is what I said as I read a report that suggested that eating foods high in ellagic acid may help us lose weight and avoid gaining it. When you see the list of foods that provide the highest amounts, you will understand my glee – hint they are really delicious. First, the study […]

The foods present on your kitchen counter may have a decisive impact on what you weigh! That was the eye-opening upshot from an intriguing new study lead by the Cornell’s famed eating behavior scientist, Dr. Brian Wansink. For this study, Dr. Wansink and his colleagues photographed 210 Syracuse, New York kitchens and then compared the […]

Thanks to a new study from Harvard-based scientists, we have some promising new evidence that certain fruits and veggies are better than others for our waistlines. For this study, researchers monitored the diets and weight status of 133,000 men and women every 4 years over a 24 year period. Overall, study subjects who increased their intakes of fruits […]