Dr. Ann

In a this revealing study, scientists were able to show that consuming a high fat diet could disrupt normal brain function by altering the bacteria in the gut. There is growing evidence that the ecosystem of bacteria that reside in our guts, referred to as “the microbiome,” plays a pivotal role in mental health. The scientists […]

In an exhilarating new study, scientists found that simple changes to diet translated to big improvements in mood. For this three-week, clinical trial, 76 university students with poor diets and moderate to severe depression symptoms were randomly assigned to one of two groups—either the “diet change” group or the “regular diet” group. The “diet change” […]

An international team of scientists have uncovered that mouthwash dramatically reduces the natural blood-pressure lowering effects of exercise – horrors! For this blinded clinical trial, the scientists had 23 healthy adults run on a treadmill for 30 minutes on two separate occasions. Immediately after each run, the study subjects rinsed their mouths with either an […]

  Your weight status in young adulthood appears to have a significant influence on your future risk of several major cancers. That was the conclusion of an illuminating, new study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology. For this study, scientists followed the body weight (BMI) and cancer status of over 220,000 adults for an average […]

The cold and flu season will soon be upon us. Here are 3 simple and tasty ways to boost your immunity. Consume kefir or yogurt with live cultures regularly. Many studies support yogurt’s ability to boost immunity. Plain low-fat or non-fat yogurt sweetened with some fresh or frozen fruit is best. Eat an abundance of brightly colored […]

Onions are uniquely high in prebiotics, the special type of fiber that feeds the good bacteria in our guts. (Remember those good bacteria define your health destiny!) Onions are one of the richest sources of quercetin, a powerhouse phytochemical renowned for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power. Onions are almost calorie free, yet revered for their […]

One of my biggest pet peeves is the ever-exploding selection of designer waters now available on the grocery shelves. Despite their labels that include ultra healthy words like “vitamin”, “fitness”, or “skinny”, there is no evidence that fortifying water with vitamins, minerals, herbs, or antioxidants has any health benefits. To the contrary, given the growing […]

The majority of the solid structure of our brains is made up of fat – yes we are all true fat heads! And the special type of fat that makes up most of our brain architecture is none other than the superstar omega 3 fat.  Omega 3 fat, specifically DHA, is the brain’s most prized and […]

Exercise is simply stellar for weight control. Check out all the different ways exercise can help you stay lean! Exercise burns calories. Exercise enhances insulin sensitivity (insulin action) which boosts calorie burning potential. Exercise builds lean body mass (muscle). The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn.  Muscles burn fat very effectively […]

Here are 5 superstar foods that I bet you do not include in your diet as often as you should! Canned pumpkin – 100% canned pumpkin (I love the Libby’s brand) is second only to dark leafy greens in terms of the nutrients it provides per unit calorie. It offers super-high (more than any other […]

If you want to burn more calories after a meal and experience reduced hunger, add a liberal dash or two of red pepper. Studies have shown that capsaicin, the component in chili peppers that provides its hot kick, can mitigate hunger and boost metabolism. Try adding some to my delicious bell pepper recipe! Healthy Stuffed […]

When it comes to blood pressure and stroke risk, even “a little bit above normal” may be deadly. Strokes are the 4th leading cause of death and based on a review of 12 previous studies, folks with blood pressures in the upper prehypertension range (130-139 systolic and 85-89 diastolic) had a 79 percent greater risk […]