Dr. Ann

Spice up your brainpower with turmeric! That is the advice to take from a clinical trial that has found that consuming even a modest dose of this highly anti-inflammatory spice improved “working memory.” For this placebo-controlled trial, researchers fed one group of elderly subjects recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes a breakfast that contained one gram of turmeric […]

  Although poor sleep can impact cancer risk through a number of obvious mechanisms, scientists speculate that its drain on the immune system (your body’s anti-cancer and anti-infection system) is likely the most significant factor. A stunning (headline news) report from the January issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine hammered home how essential sleep […]

This refreshing fruit is at its yearly prime and thankfully is bursting with nutritional prowess.  Along with a concentrated dose of immune-boosting vitamin C, oranges provide a generous offering of folate, fiber, potassium, calcium and vitamin A.  This nutrient profile sings heart-health, but oranges stellar package of cancer-fighting phytochemicals is even sweeter music for your health.  Enjoy […]

There is now overwhelming evidence that the bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract, the gut microbiome, plays a major role in our mood and behavior. Knowing that what we eat is the primary determinate of the state of our gut microbes, European scientists performed an in-depth review of past studies looking at diet, mood, and gut […]

Mix of dried cranberries, blueberries, cherries – This terrific trio provides a turbo-charged dose of age-defying antioxidants that can double as powerful anti-inflammatory agents too.  Oxidation and inflammation are formidable partners in crime when it comes to cellular aging and blue/red anthocyanin pigments found in these fountain of youth fruits are amongst the most potent […]

Fuel for Life Breakfast Muffins Serves 12 These hearty and tasty breakfast muffins will fuel your body, mind, and soul. Ingredients 1 cup whole wheat flour 2/3’s cup old-fashioned oats 1 ½ tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice 1 tsp. salt 2 omega 3 eggs 2 ripe bananas, mashed ¼ cup […]

Eating out, especially fast food, definitely makes eating healthy harder to do. But if you have to eat fast food, here are six tips for making the experience as healthy as possible. Seek out fast food establishments with the greatest selection of healthy options Avoid any fried foods Go for sandwiches or wraps made from whole […]

Intermittent fasting (IF) is smoking hot in scientific circles and deservedly so. According to a comprehensive review of published studies to date, IF appears to have far-reaching positive effects throughout the body. IF encompasses two basic approaches: the 5:2 method or the 6-8 time-restricted method. In the 5:2 method, two days a week food is […]

MIRACLE BEANS Aim for 1 serving (1/2 cup) or more daily from any of the 24 varieties available. A great source of low-fat vegetable protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, potassium, magnesium and phytochemicals. Because of their high fiber and protein content, beans are fantastic for appetite control. They effectively “fill you up” and don’t elevate […]

If you want an easy way to cut your risk of type 2 diabetes, go for more orange and green veggies! In a study that followed the dietary habits of over 37,000 Europeans for a ten-year period, those consuming the most carotenoids, specifically alpha and beta-carotene, cut their risk of type 2 diabetes up to 22 […]

This ancient “whole grain” was revered by the Inca’s and is arguably the healthiest of all whole grains (technically it is a seed, but we call it a whole grain because of its taste and texture).  It is a fantastic source of a full package of health – building minerals, is high in protein, including […]

In an uplifting evaluation that proves the right foods can triumph over bad genes Spanish researchers found that the potent antioxidant phenol compounds in extra virgin olive oil stifle the activity of several genes that promote inflammation. They fed 20 study subjects controlled breakfasts on different occasions. Some were fed a breakfast enriched with high […]