Dr. Ann

An eye-popping report just shed some powerful and compelling light on how quickly physical inactivity can harm the body, and I want you and everyone you love to know about it. Researchers had a group of healthy moderately active young adults reduce their daily physical activity by 50% and carefully monitored their blood sugar (glucose) […]

A randomized, controlled clinical trial found that including 3 servings of whole grain foods daily reduced systolic blood pressure on par with prescription drugs and could reduce the incidence of heart disease and stroke by at least 15% and 25%, respectively.  (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Oct 2010) Amongst 4,497 young adults followed for 20 […]

Want to add up to ten years of healthy brain function to your later life? Then be sure to exercise! In a totally inspiring study that once again echoes the profound benefits movement has on the brain, researchers documented that older adults who regularly engaged in moderate to intense physical activity like jogging or aerobics […]

If you want to have healthy cholesterol levels I would recommend that you include some green tea with your repertoire of cholesterol-lowering foods. Sipping on green tea is one of my most cherished daily rituals so I was particularly inspired by a report that provided strong evidence that this is indeed a heart-healthy habit. For […]

Chocolate Banana Oatmeal Serves 1 This recipe is decadently delicious and great for you. It is my breakfast of choice on a chilly winter morning. Kids will love it too. Ingredients A single serving of quick cooking steel cut oats. (now available in a few brands from the standard grocer) ½ large ripe banana or […]

Awesome avocados just received yet another health victory. Past studies have shown that avocados can lower “bad,” LDL cholesterol so scientists were curious if it could reduce the most ominous form of LDL of all —“oxidized” small, dense LDL’s. To perform this study, the scientists had 45 overweight study subjects consume a series of three […]

Here are some easy ways to save money while improving your weight control: Control your portions. This can reduce your grocery bill along with your restaurant bill and scientific reports find that consistently controlling portions may be the fastest direct route to weight loss.  Dump liquid calories (sodas, fruit juices/drinks, sport drinks.) These liquid sugars cost […]

The “Great White Hazards” strike again, this time on the mood front. In an analysis that followed the dietary habits of over 70,000 post-menopausal women for several years, those who consumed diets higher in refined, “high glycemic” carbs were significantly more likely to develop depression. High glycemic carbs are those that give rise to steep […]

Based on a growing and impressive volume of science, drinking coffee may come with a number of powerful health benefits including: liver cancer protection, diabetes protection and a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. Thanks to this report, another healthy coffee perk may be protection from prostate cancer. In a study that included 48,000 men whose […]

According to a report in the prestigious journal Neurology, the brain-health credentials of those precious omega 3 fats just received yet another boost. For this study, researchers measured the blood levels of omega 3 fats in 1,111 elderly women and measured the size of their brains with MRI scans 8 years later. Women who had […]

According to research from the American Academy of Neurology, you may want to rethink your drink if you want to reduce your risk of future depression. For this study, researchers evaluated the beverage intakes of over 260,000 adults age 50 or older for a one year period of time. 10 years later they reconnected with […]

In an exhilarating new study, scientists found that simple changes to diet translated to big improvements in mood. For this three-week, clinical trial, 76 university students with poor diets and moderate to severe depression symptoms were randomly assigned to one of two groups—either the “diet change” group or the “regular diet” group. The “diet change” […]