Dr. Ann

Curry powder has already achieved blockbuster status as a powerful anti-inflammatory food and thanks to a study it looks like this flavorful spice blend may also be helpful for fighting infections. Scientists discovered that curcumin, the plant chemical that gives curry powder and turmeric (a spice in curry powder) their vivid golden yellow color, significantly […]

Fiber has a long list of health benefits. Here are the best ways to get more of this special compound in your daily diet. Consume as many fruits and veggies as possible. The superstars for fiber content include: berries (raspberries #1), snow peas, apples, canned tomato products, pumpkin, cauliflower, avocado, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, Brussels […]

Shake some cinnamon on your morning cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, or right into your cup of coffee for a tasty and easy way to improve your glucose and cholesterol metabolism. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that study subjects who added a bit more than a teaspoon of cinnamon to a rice […]

Edamame is a superstar food that makes a great addition to any meal!  The fact that not only is this recipe incredibly healthy but amazingly simple is what makes it one of my favorite edamame recipes. Simple Edamame with Lemon and Olive Oil Ingredients: 1 package of frozen shelled edamame cooked according to package instructions 1 […]

I do not recommend meal replacement bars because I prefer that you obtain your nutrients and calories from REAL foods. Meal replacement bars are a “classic” factory-made, processed food and many contain the amount of sugar you would get from a dessert. In fact, the best way to think of them is a cookie amped […]

Savory, yet sweet, naturally low in calories, yet filling because of their super-high fiber content – sweet potatoes are a nutritional treasure. This under-appreciated super-affordable tuber is an unsurpassed food source of immune-boosting, heart-happy beta-carotene (1 provides 250% of your daily value!) that comes along with 8 other essential nutrients. And despite their starchy texture […]

This refreshing fruit is at its yearly prime and thankfully is bursting with nutritional prowess.  Along with a concentrated dose of immune-boosting vitamin C, oranges provide a generous offering of folate, fiber, potassium, calcium and vitamin A.  This nutrient profile sings heart-health, but oranges stellar package of cancer-fighting phytochemicals is even sweeter music for your health.  Enjoy […]

  Past studies have linked low levels of vitamin D with depression, and this evaluation adds to the growing pile of evidence that adequate levels of vitamin D are fundamental to good mental health. This evaluation included over 7,000 British subjects and found those with vitamin D levels in the normal range had a 43% lower […]

No bones about it – dried plums (prunes) have emerged as an exceptional food for bone health. Researchers have reported that dried plums contain compounds that act as powerful suppressors of bone resorption. Bone resorption occurs as we age and contributes to osteoporosis. The lead scientist has tested numerous fruits over his career and reports that none […]

Genetic influences on obesity are a well-documented reality, but thanks to an encouraging study, we have further evidence that our behaviors have tremendous influence on whether or not obesity genes will do their dirty work. In this Harvard based study that included over 12,000 adults, researchers determined that taking a brisk walk for an hour […]

Eating out, especially fast food, definitely makes eating healthy harder to do. But if you have to eat fast food, here are six tips for making the experience as healthy as possible. Seek out fast food establishments with the greatest selection of healthy options Avoid any fried foods Go for sandwiches or wraps made from whole […]

Intermittent fasting (IF) is smoking hot in scientific circles and deservedly so. According to a comprehensive review of published studies to date, IF appears to have far-reaching positive effects throughout the body. IF encompasses two basic approaches: the 5:2 method or the 6-8 time-restricted method. In the 5:2 method, two days a week food is […]