I worked for a few months tweaking this recipe until I nailed it. This wholesome bean-based burger is everything you are looking for – delicious, filling, super-healthy and easy to make.
This is really big! In an elegantly conducted clinical trial by one of the world’s most esteemed microbiome scientists we find that stepping up the intake of fermented foods is a quick and effective way to boost gut microbial diversity AND decrease damaging inflammation—even more so than stepping up your intake of fiber-rich plant foods! […]
These remarkable compounds have been linked to powerful health protection and are especially known for their anti-inflammatory and gut microbiome-enhancing properties. Flavonoids Dark Leafy Greens Onions Apples Berries Cherries Dark Chocolate Soybeans Coffee Red Wine Freshly Brewed Green and Black Tea Citrus Fruits Flavones Parsley – fresh best Apples – organic best; eat the skin […]
A Day at Plum Hill *Scroll to the bottom for schedule and pricing details. ↓ • WHAT YOU GET 🍏 A front-row seat to Dr. Ann’s signature presentation on healthy eating to include the fascinating topic of Time Restricted Eating. In this intimate group setting, you’ll have plenty of time to engage and ask questions. […]
Getting lots of dietary potassium has been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Here are the foods that provide the most potassium: Blackstrap Molasses Cantaloupe Avocado Beet greens Peaches Prunes Tomato juice Yogurt Snapper Lima beans Salmon Soybeans Swiss chard Apricots Oranges Pumpkin seeds Sweet Potato Banana […]
Some foods are better for you than others and are true nutritional powerhouses! Here are five foods that are exceptional for you and that you should strive to include in your daily diet. Dark Leafy Greens Nuts Berries Whole Citrus Beans Dr. Ann’s Cure-All Kale Salad Serves 8-10 When I feel like I am coming […]
Exercise most days — If you don’t accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity most days of the week you are virtually guaranteed to accumulate belly fat. And the more the better! Eat an abundance of non-starchy veggies and fruits. Enjoy beans daily. Avoid the “Great White Hazards” — white flour products, white rice, white […]
Here are some great tips to navigate the grocery store so you can walk out with the best foods to eat right for life! –Ignore the dizzying array (60 plus varieties!) of flavored and specialty yogurts now complicating the yogurt aisle and limit your selections to the one and only truly healthy yogurt—low- fat or […]
Current recommended daily calcium intakes for adults are: 1000 mg for males and females < 51 1200 mg for females 51+ If you consume three daily servings of a calcium-rich food (see below) and make a point to regularly consume green vegetables like collards, kale, turnip greens, broccoli, and cabbage you should achieve optimal intakes. […]
Hitting the gym for better weight control? Try thinking about it as “fun and pleasurable” and not “exercise” for best results. In an intriguing series of two separate experiments, researchers from Cornell’s famed Food and Brand Lab found that we eat significantly more after physical activity perceived as “exercise” vs. the same activity perceived as “a pleasurable pastime”. In the […]
They provide “complete” (all the essential amino acids) protein that is gentler on your bones, your digestive system, and the environment. They provide all the essential fatty acids including a big hit of those precious omega 3 fats. They provide a comprehensive package of minerals including lots of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. They are […]
Here are some easy ways to save money while improving your weight control: Control your portions. This can reduce your grocery bill along with your restaurant bill and scientific reports find that consistently controlling portions may be the fastest direct route to weight loss. Dump liquid calories (sodas, fruit juices/drinks, sport drinks.) These liquid sugars cost […]
The “Great White Hazards” strike again, this time on the mood front. In an analysis that followed the dietary habits of over 70,000 post-menopausal women for several years, those who consumed diets higher in refined, “high glycemic” carbs were significantly more likely to develop depression. High glycemic carbs are those that give rise to steep […]
Like other nuts, almonds are on a roll for health, and this delicious food has landed another scientific triumph. For this study, scientists had a group of young to middle age men consume a handful of almonds as a snack everyday for one month. A control group of study subjects consumed their regular diets without adding […]
Want to dramatically lower your risk of chronic diseases and improve your mental well-being? Go dig into some fruits and veggies! The power of produce for lowering the risk of our most common chronic diseases is firmly established, and it looks like improving happiness and mental health is another worthy reason to keep this sensational food […]
Based on a growing and impressive volume of science, drinking coffee may come with a number of powerful health benefits including: liver cancer protection, diabetes protection and a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. Thanks to this report, another healthy coffee perk may be protection from prostate cancer. In a study that included 48,000 men whose […]